Apparently plans were falling apart left, right, center, and all over the place. It was no longer a group trip to the shady kink club. In fact, it didn’t even seem like much of a group at all. Yet another person had left. Who knew if she was coming back. Argenti certainly didn’t. He sighed exasperatedly as he ferried pastries, coffee, and files into the magical breakfast. Why was he even bothering? No matter. He had decided that ending the Outcasts was worth working with these people. So, he was going to be flexible and accommodating, even if it annoyed him to no end. Argenti wasn’t even sure that Amelia’s club was even an option for him at this point. Juniper and Cain had both expressed an interest in looking over the files some more. And the succubus was willing to bet that Albert needed to stay and get his guests settled. It wasn’t like he could go alone. Well, he could, but it wasn’t wise. So, he was going to be stuck in this magical bed a breakfast that he was positive didn’t even have an address (Much less a Wi-Fi signal) for the foreseeable future. They wouldn’t get any freaking closer to killing the Outcasts by reading the files. Okay, maybe, but he doubted it. He found himself asking, [color=C0C0C0]“Is this what we are doing for the rest of the day? Reading and eating pastries? Not that that is a bad plan. Not trying to judge or anything. Just want to know.[/color] He was absolutely judging. Argenti was good at it, and he always liked playing to his strengths. He just thought waiting around reading things that The Detective had already read was not a completely smart move. He respected the fact that a different set of eyes attached to a different brain, might see something that another person might of missed, but he honestly didn’t think that it was going to be him seeing what had been missed. Though, and he had to be honest, the thought of placing different colored push pins into a giant map did seem kind of appealing. What was it called on all the crime drama shows? A geographical profile? Yeah! Argenti could do that. Though, again honesty time, The Detective had probably already done that. He also found himself asking another question, [color=C0C0C0]“Do we need a team name? Or even a hashtag? It’s not like we can live tweet our actions. That would be a sure-fire way to let the Outcasts know that something is going on. Right now, since we know practically nothing, discretion is honestly our best bet. Yes?” Argenti may not know if rereading the files would actually help, but he did know that. When he spotted someone with The Gift, he couldn’t just kill them. First, he had to find out all he could about them, their routines, their habits, their lives. And he couldn’t be seen or spotted or figured out until he finally took them away to kill them. The same thing applied here, with the Outcasts. This group of four need to figure out who the Outcasts were and how to dispose while remain undercover until it was time to strike. They wouldn’t be doing that if Juniper live tweeted the whole thing.