[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=7d16c7]Oliver Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7ecMeOO.png[/img] [hr][hr] Bannner's [color=7d16c7]Skills:[/color] N/A [hr][/center][/b] Oliver was nearly [i]joyful[/i] at the recent developments. Sure, two sociopaths that were an active threat to existence on a multiversal scale were at large, but they had food and a chance to rest, two things Oli had desperately been craving. No more broken bones, or gunfire, or being handcuffed to tables, he could just be fine and safe for a little bit. He leaned back against Niah, and smiling. This was soemthing that, once this mission was over, he could just [i]have[/i], and that really wasn't something he'd processed yet. He would get a very long break and that was an exciting prospect. Oliver shrugged at the prospect of getting home, "[color=7d16c7]I mean... Assuming we live-capture Doom and Luminous, home shouldn't be an issue. They got us here, they can get us home. And it's clearly possible, so I'm sure that, given enough time, we could crack it ourselves.[/color]" Oliver was a confident bastard, but he also was damn smart. Besides he had a Ph.D in Theoretical... well, he supposed now [i]applied[/i] physics. He wasn't sure if that was technically how it worked, but his reasoning at the very least was that, between all of them, they'd be smart enough to figure something out.