Finally done it. Took me a while lol [hider=Relations] [center][h1][color=black]TRYSTAN SALAZAR[/color][/h1] [img][/img] [i]”You, I like you. But that guy over there? I don't want to see his face again."[/i] [color=black][b]T R Y S T A N . S A L A Z A R . "Karma"[/b][/color] [i][color=silver]When it comes to relationships, Trystan has a simple rule: you get what you give. As such, those who are kind and lacking in malice can expect only good things from him, while those that treat him badly will get bad things in turn, such as petty, slightly inconvenient vengeance. He doesn't care if it gave him a bad rap for some people; what matters is that he proved that he won't back down from prejudice. It seems, though, that his sense of morality is quite black and white, and finds it difficult to find nuance. Perhaps knowing the changes that other people have had would change that.[/color][/i] [color=yellow]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || [color=00aeef]☮[/color] Friends || [color=green]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=ec008c]♥[/color] Crush || [color=92278f]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=ed1c24]☠[/color] Disliked[/center] [color=yellow]⚜[/color] [color=black][b]M E I R . A M O S . M A G G I D[/b][/color] [color=yellow]⚜[/color] [@Salsa Verde] “Meir Amos Maggid. I remember how he was picked on by the bullies back in the old days, just like me. I stood up for him a few times, too. I was glad for him when we graduated, because that meant he won’t have to deal with those… ‘people’ again. I’ve always felt concerned, though, and I would ask him how he’s doing over the years. After all, Meir is one of the few people in school I genuinely liked. I like to think that we were friends back then, though I guess we have been very busy with our respective careers. Success is a double edged sword.” ☯ [color=black][b]W I L L I A M . B I S H O P[/b][/color] ☯ [@Gisk] “Billy! I remember him. A talented music person, though the messages of the songs that his band makes are, eh, let’s just say my parents will go insane if they hear it. Anyway, other than that, he is quite likeable, so much in fact I wouldn’t mind it if he tried to drag me around with conversation. Never got to talk to him much, though.” [color=ec008c]♥[/color] [color=black][b]S A R A . Z H O U[/b][/color] [color=ec008c]♥[/color] [@banjoanjo] “I recall Sara being made fun of because she wasn't from around here. Seeing it happen to her kind of hurt me in the inside because I know what it feels to be ostracized for not fitting in, to be told to "return to Asia" or something like that. I kept telling them agents of chaos to piss off from Sara's general vicinity, and she was always appreciative. Maybe that is why I tried learning a bit of Chinese back then… oh, don't give me that look. You know there's no chance." ☯ [color=black][b]J A C K . D A N I E L . W I L K E R S O N[/b][/color] ☯ [@nodogs] "Jack Daniel. I have not conversed with her other than in official capacities, such as in group projects, but she appeared to me as lazy and doesn't give a damn about the world. Though she's the one who organised this whole reunion thing, so perhaps there has been a change?" ☯ [color=black][b]S A M U E L . S A B I S T O N[/b][/color] ☯ [@Rockette] "Yet another kid I remember to be a subject of bullying. I never got to speak with him much, though. Not that I didn't want to. It's just that we always had a different path, and our roads never crossed. I heard he was very troubled, but I hope things have gotten better by now." ☯ [color=black][b]M A R C O . V A L E N S I .[/b][/color] ☯ [@udonoodles] "Marco Valensi. We never got to speak much, as our interests were quite, ah, different. I believe he kept his distance back then, but I feel bad for him when he started attending less due to his condition." ☯ [color=black][b]D A N T E . I B A R R A[/b][/color] ☯ [@Laertes] "When it was known that Dante had concluded on what his identity was, I knew I couldn't openly associate with him. Not because I dislike him, no; it was because my less than tolerant relatives are nosy and would start talking about it until the entire clan in both the States and the Philippines knew about it. But I heard he has his own company now so… great?" [color=yellow]⚜[/color] [color=black][b]M E L A N I E . C A V I L L[/b][/color] [color=yellow]⚜[/color] [@Benzaiten] "Melanie. Oh yeah, we used to play in the Dungeons and Dragons club, and we'd talk and joke quite a lot as we created some fun shenanigans in the game's plot. You should have seen how weird the story could get. Ehem, anyway, Melanie was athletic, highly intelligent, and quite nice. She's just great." [color=ed1c24]☠[/color] [color=black][b]N A T A L I E . M I L L E R[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]☠[/color] [@Prisk] "They say that the company you keep speaks a lot about you. Well, it was Natalie's clique of demons that called me all those slurs and stuff back then. She didn't do much herself, but the fact that she willfully associated with them is… something. And yes, I'm still malding about it to this day." ☯ [color=black][b]O L E A N D E R . O B E K U N O D O[/b][/color] ☯ [@Aeolian] "You know, it feels like he's always avoiding me. I think he's scared of me, or something. Was it something I did? I didn't do anything to him, and I heard he's a decent fellow so it's not like I'd do… something." [/hider]