[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nFq9mJx.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uGddlzt.png[/img] [color=BBC7E1]Time:[/color] 10am [color=BBC7E1]Location:[/color] The Park of Sorian [color=BBC7E1]Interactions:[/color][@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo [@Prosaic] Devan [@Conscripts] John [color=BBC7E1]Attire:[/color][url=i.imgur.com/AbAdjzB.jpg]Dress[/url], [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/20/3f/33203f5e0a120e3ecd2fa2cf7f883341.jpg]Booties[/url], [url=https://i.etsystatic.com/11992444/r/il/202edb/1547641752/il_570xN.1547641752_f5gx.jpg]Hair ribbon[/url] [hr][/center] Charlotte perhaps should have not been so surprised that John was brandishing a knife. She stressfully clutched her head, meekly managing, [color=BBC7E1] “Dr. Williamson... Please put the knife away.”[/color] Her voice had come out a bit too low. He then asked the fellow with a blade against his neck if he wanted sauce. Charlotte swallowed hard as her gaze locked on the knife digging into the man’s skin. She took John by his shoulder to halt him, but luckily the patron immediately took off running. This scene had not gone unnoticed as many others were also staring at John with fear and backing away. This included Ruby as well, who had suddenly run off in terror. She let go of John’s shoulder and straightened, stunned for a moment as most of the patrons were hurrying away. [color=BBC7E1][i]Will it always be like this?[/i][/color] It was almost a nostalgic feeling at this point. For years, almost every event she had attended with Lorenzo had always resulted in some sort of chaos. No matter what, she loved him, but sometimes she just wished things could go normally. Charlotte glanced off in a random direction for a moment. Her imagination was quick to recreate the image of her parents’ faces as they ran through the park toward her. She couldn’t make out too many details of the younger version of her late parents, but she remembered those smiles. Even if they were from a time that felt more like a dream than anything. [hider=Flashback] Five-year-old Charlotte had been lost and so very alone on a spring day in Sorian Park. It hadn’t been as sunny; in fact, it looked as if it were about rain at any moment. The humid air felt dense and wet. It was no surprise that the park was almost rather empty. The little girl had wanted to come here anyway. She liked it here. She had wandered off after a chipmunk while her parents had been conversing with others outside the carriage. It had not dawned on her how far she had gone until she had turned and found herself alone for hours. However, she had been quite clever for her age. She had seated herself on the edge of the fountain, somewhere her parents might eventually see if they were looking for her. Heads had turned at the sight of the distressed child as she kicked her legs back and anxiously, her feet occasionally tapping against the concrete of the fountain. Her thick black hair was tucked back in a ribbon and the dress she wore was quite telling of her status. It was strange for a child like her to be alone, and perhaps even a little dangerous. Maybe that’s why her parents had smiled so much when they had finally come running toward her. Her mother had gathered her skirts as she practically tripped over them on her way toward her. Emina had once been a woman who smiled often, but anyone could tell how special this one had been as tears had fallen down her cheeks, her hair spilling out from her bun and dancing behind her. Walter had been a step ahead of her with a smile of relief and emotion still swimming in his eyes. Anyone could tell from a single glance that she had been the world to those two. Charlotte had stood up and moved forward, a smile stretching across her face too as the two adults threw themselves on her knees before and enveloped her in their arms. It had started to rain at that point, cool droplets periodically tapping at their skin. The family had stayed like that even so. Her mother had been whispering a gracious prayer of some sort while Walter had stroked her hair. He had moved to take her face in her hands, emotionally overwhelmed as he had looked at down her.[/hider] Charlotte shook her head as she awoke from her reverie. The sound of a familiar voice had called her attention, the voice of a ghost from her past. She had not seen Devan in so long that it had felt surreal for him to show up here suddenly. [color=BBC7E1]“No.”[/color] She had replied after a pause. She wasn’t sure what to expect. The two had been close in the way siblings were once upon a time, in both the good and bad ways. It had been hard to avoid a disagreement at times. Then again, it had really been a long time and she was certain they were two different people now. For a moment, she actually felt kind of excited he was here. It could be nice to be with family again and have that sense of normalcy with all the chaos occurring. When he finally greeted her hello, she smiled. Instead of saying hello back, she moved up to hug him. She figured if Devan was anything like he had been, he might not appreciate it, but she was going to do it anyway. [color=BBC7E1] “Devan! I’m happy to see you.”[/color] For his sake, she kept the hug brief. Lorenzo yelling over to Mayet was distracting, anyhow. She glanced over to stare. Her reply was telling enough. Her gaze slid over to the man with the cane, who seemed to be staying right where he was. Though he seemed pleased the Shehzadi did not come over with her tiger, he clearly was sizing up that there were four of them against him potentially. [color=red] “ I will have my revenge, Duke. ”[/color] The man with the cane said and finally changed position. Then he knelt down to start cleaning up the mess that was now his waffle table. Charlotte sighed. She glanced at the others, [color=BBC7E1] “I think we should all move away in case he changes his mind.”[/color] With a gesture of her hand, she walked somewhat away and awaited for them to join her.