[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220416/07bb7fe0937c4f981a024d2a8b9366c1.png[/img] [sub][color=8E939E]✧ Location: Soft Haven Bounty House ✧ Purse: 12 copper ✧ [@McMolly] [@Scribe of Thoth] ✧[/color][/sub][/center] Lilann’s uncommon confidence shone again as she answered his hushed question with a perfectly audible response, decrying the Silventria woman as a bigot for all the room to hear. She even cracked a joke, as if they were lounging in a Dregs speakeasy in the company of their own kind and not surrounded by strangers of dubious intent in a place they most certainly didn’t belong. Well, [i]he[/i] didn’t; more and more, though, Lilann seemed like she really did. Despite his lingering unease, though, Kyreth had to agree with the sentiment. How many Tainted [i]could[/i] say they landed a chance like this? He’d wager his few coppers the number could be counted on one hand, if at all - at least for the ones he grew up with. Apprenticeships, training… not only would they never be offered the chance to begin with, but they’d quickly be laughed out of the Dregs if they ever dared to accept. Back home, making an honest living was a fool’s errand; why slave away for someone who hates you when you can strip them of their ill-gotten gains and knock them down a few pegs in the process? It wouldn’t make them any fonder of the Tainted, fine, but it wasn’t like the Tainted of Buscon were in the business of making friends. [color=8E939E]“Only on account of you,”[/color] Kyreth shyly replied, doing his best to hide his sharp teeth behind his burgeoning grin. But before he could thank Lilann and reflect on his incredible luck to stumble upon the only other Tainted in the world who would think working for a bricklayer or a thatcher was laudable, he was cut off by the reappearance of Ceolfric, looming over them with his hand dangerously close to his blade. [color=AA4A44]"She seems a bit too self-important to waste her time on an entertainer of drunkards and a fence-mender anyway, Aetherborn or not,"[/color] he said, his withering gaze hinting at some double meaning that Kyreth couldn’t quite decipher. [color=AA4A44]"I think you're in the clear, if you're not feeling particularly retributive."[/color] [color=8E939E]“Oh, no, I’m... good,”[/color] Kyreth replied, averting his gaze and rubbing the back of his neck, hoping that would be enough to satisfy him. Why was he looking at him like that? He thought the brigand had lost interest in them after their little hostage walk up here. Likely he just didn’t like Tainted, but he could have gotten the point across much clearer with an insult than his weirdly veiled words of comfort. Fortunately, Kyreth was saved from any followup by Aleka’s announcement, launching into a full explanation of how the Bounty House operated. Kyreth listened carefully, catching Aleka’s look as the half-elf explained the details of contract work. For a mercy, it seemed they were on the same page; safe, regular employment was all Kyreth could ask for, and the possibility of training or even room and board on top of it all would be a sweet deal for anyone, let alone a Tainted. That was, of course, dependent on any contractor’s willingness to take on a Tainted, but he dared to hope the Bounty House’s reputation for tolerance would at least help to temper their clients’ expectations. For another mercy, it sounded like the mercenary work the House also offered would probably take Ceolfric far away from him and Lilann; after all, he doubted a hardened “former” brigand was looking to apply his highwayman experience to a new career in wagon building. Kyreth could only thank his (apparently multiplying) lucky stars that he wouldn’t have to take any part in the “test” Cerric described, or any of the other grand adventures he seemed so excited about, for that matter. When the time came for questions, he didn’t have any for Aleka or Cerric. After, though, he’d have some for Lilann; her quick thinking got them into the House without much issue, but it also got them stuck together, it would seem. Not that Kyreth would complain - even if he minded, which he didn’t, he wasn’t about to spurn her kindness - but he was curious what sort of work Lilann was interested in, or what a background of storytelling equipped her for. Someone so worldly must be capable of more than spinning tales, and he hoped his corresponding lack of… well, anything, wouldn’t hold her back.