I looked at her, blinking. I was going to admit I had a good time as well, which if I had heard that out of any other Imperial citizen's mouth I would have deemed them unfit in the head. Perhaps Lazarus's neurological exam was not entirely unwarranted. And yet, I would mean it. "No, I..." I started. There were no exits on the road I was going, so I needed to word it carefully. My intention was to have a professional meeting with my newest aide, but I found that was close to an impossibility without broaching the subject. The fact that there was something potentially romantic at the end had nothing to do with it, I am sure. "Emmaline, that was why I apologized earlier. I..." I sighed, taking a deep breath and appearing as focused and clear as I could be. "I understand that you are my subordinate, you are new, and we were in a dangerous situation. I hold all the power between us in our current situation, and I kissed you without asking beforehand. If you would like to complain or cast doubt on my authority, you have free leave to do so. But..." I felt like a young interogator again. For some reason my collar was a bit hot and my heart picked up speed. I thanked the Emperor Lazarus was not here to point it out. I usually had more control than this, I marveled. When I had met her I nearly killled her, it took me days to think of her as a person, and now I felt she could crush me more thoroughly than any khornate bloodcrusher. "Emmaline, that wasn't a cover. When I kissed you, I wasn't Blasius Deckard. I was myself... Emmaline?"