Location: Cogfell City 10.000 hours [hr] Sirens blared, filling every home, business, and street with its cacophonous blares. This, was not something most people were familiar with, but was something the citizens all had been warned of during the war five years ago. A loud, resolute sound that the city was under attack. Several years ago, though, they had been on the lookout for Kyrsa warships, sailing high above the the city. Now though? No, the enemy was already here. Demons. "Damn it!" She hefted her rifle, three quick shots rang out, each expertly finding their mark. She ran, huffing, nearly out of breath as her legs carried her towards the sound of fighting. She had to meet up with the others. It was just their luck the moment they had found the culprits they were looking for, would be right when they had finished their little ritual! If that wasn't all, it was [i]much[/i], [i]much[/i] worse then what they had been told. Thankfully the local police had been informed of their operation, and had already been given evac orders and to help evacuate the citizenry. She briefly glanced at the corpse of a kid, no older than fifteen. "A-ah field captain!" She breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the familiar uniform of violet garden. "Oh goody, am I ever glad to see you, eheh! Jeez, you'd never believe how hard it was to find you after we all got scattered!" "Where are the others?" She asked the girl in front of her. "Oh, you don't have to worry about them. We managed to regroup not far from here. I was asked to bring you back." She blinked. Relief turned to tension again. Grip tightened on her gun. "...I'm sorry, but I don't quite think I remember your name." Location: The Clematis 12.000 hours [@Sniblet][@Waylon][@Pyromania99][@VitaVitaAR][@Click This][@AzureKnight] [hr] The dull hum of an engine in the background. Laughter as the residents in the ship enjoyed some leisurely time before they arrived at their destination. It was the sort of leisure someone on a ship, marching into a warzone, would be enjoying. Despite the joviality, tension and anticipation was palpable. Some of the maids contented themselves with training, keeping their minds sharp on the top decks training area. Some were cleaning, cooking, or otherwise just relaxing as the ship flew to its destination while the ships usual crew kept the ship on course. It was late morning now, almost the middle of the day. They had been alerted to an incident involving a large scale demon summoning in a small city only a few hours ago. It was impressive they were able to scramble everyone together so fast. Heh, still could use some improvement, though. “Smell that, Bernadette?” “...drinking on the job is frowned upon.” “Ahahaha! No, not that little tinker!” The Krysa laughed jovially. “The smell of it! The ash, the smoke…ah, I can smell it from here. That town’s been turned into a warzone.” “...you can smell that from here?” “You been in the frontlines long enough you get a nose for this thing.” Leoniya replied with a chuckle. She’d fold her arms across her chest, gazing at the ground far below them. She could already see it in the distance. Pillars of smoke, rising from the ground. Buildings, fractured and destroyed from here. One could hear the gunshots already, too, if they listened. “Sounds like someone’s eager to wet their blade.” Behind the two, a rather imposing woman approached, grabbing the Krysa by the shoulder and placing a hand on Bernadette’s hand. “Or blowing them to smithereens in your case.” She’d release them and walk over to the ships railing. “She’s right though, brat. Whatever’s going on down there its…heh, particularly vicious.” “Are we starting?” Bernadette frowned. “That we are! Leoniya, be a dear and go tell everyone to gather. Bernie, you go and…do whatever it is you do.” Seconds later, the Krysa’s voice would blare over the ships intercom, her thick accent easily catching everyones attention. [i]“Vnimaniye! All maids report to the deck at once! Povtoreniye! All Maids report to the deck at once for mission briefing!”[/i]