[b]Nahla![/b] “If you do well,” Ruz says, suddenly, sitting forward, “then perhaps you might be released from her service. When she marries my daughter. Doubtless she will not have the time to take care of you.” She offers you a heavy-ringed hand, and guides you through her room with care. Is she, perhaps, besotten? With you? Enough to treat you like a precious item, like one among the many that this dragon of a woman has filled her chambers with? Perhaps you were simply that impressive. “Take whatever you like from here,” she adds, just before you can go. “As a reward.” She gestures expansively at her rich study; there are so many treasures here that it is impossible to gauge any as being better or worse. This sapphire? That orb of interlinked chains? This elegant dagger? That coil of lavender rope? And when you do finally leave, it shall come to pass that you meet Ruz’s court painter in the halls of the palace. [hr] [b]Silsila Om![/b] “Then do so,” Hai Lin says, with a faint smile. Provoking you to do that was her plan all along! Or a back-up plan? Who’s to say with her. “Go bring me back my girl, Host.” Do you take orders from the likes of her? How do you handle being thus bamboozled? [hr] [b]Birsi![/b] “One chain may break,” she retorts. “But in enough numbers, even dragons may be bound. And the Vulenids will. The arc of destiny bends towards it.” This sounds as if it is personal for her. As if there is a hidden pain that spurs her on. What do you make of that, disguised guardswoman? [hr] [b]Soot![/b] Rosethal is unable to let her curse upon you, treacherous harlot, escape her lips— not before she is seized by the Fire Wheels. Do you slip away while their attention is on her, or do you watch while they turn her into a writhing, fuming, glaring package? Regardless— when you do slip away, it shall come to pass that you meet the Sultan’s harem girl, Nahla, in the halls of the palace.