I have wanted to write an apprentice for a long while. Not having strong magical abilities gives him somewhere to grow and a need for others that can help him develop. I like to write characters that have something to overcome and are not mega-powerful. [hider=Andrew Scott][h2][center]Andrew Scott[/center][/h2] [center][Img] https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/WireAP_55c4cd8ce9384d4087277948e21f58b3_16x9_992.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][color=EFD7AD]"I asked for a new squad car, and they gave me a horse. Have you ever seen a Blackman on a horse?"[/color][/i][/center] [center][i][color=EFD7AD]"Shit, I know what goes on in this town. If they let me I’d be the prosecutor and the judge.”,[/color][/i][/center] [color=gray][center]Honest. Professional. Determined. Observant. [/center][/color] [color=gray][center]Weaknesses: Stubborn, skeptical, may bend the rules slightly (not writing a speeding ticket for 5 over, pouring out the alcohol instead of running the teens in)[/center][/color] [color=EFD7AD][h2]Basic Information[/h2][/color] [list][*][color=EFD7AD][b]Name:[/b][/color]Andrew Scott [*][color=EFD7AD][b]Gender[/b][/color] Male [*][color=EFD7AD][b]Age:[/b][/color] 30 [*][color=EFD7AD][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/color] Heterosexual [*][color=EFD7AD][b]College Degree:[/b][/color] B.S. in Criminal Justice [*][color=EFD7AD][b]Languages:[/b][/color]English [*][color=EFD7AD][b]Notable Skills:[/b][/color]Investigation, can perform some vehicle repairs, lock pick. [/list] [color=EFD7AD][h2]Magical Abilities[/h2][/color] [color=EFD7AD][b]Years of Magical Education:[/b][/color] 5 [color=EFD7AD][b]Schools of Magic:[/b][/color] Transmutation, Conjuration, Enchantment [color=EFD7AD][b]Transmutation[/b][/color] [list][*][color=EFD7AD]Transmute Liquid[/color] Andrew has the ability to change liquids from one type to another. The spell requires him to be very near the liquid, like touching the container. His favorite use is changing a keg of beer to root beer or water. At moderate levels, this could change water to gasoline. At a higher level, he could produce blood. The amount is controlled by the level. A keg is about as much as he can do at this time. [Power 5] [*][color=EFD7AD]Mend[/color] Andrew has the ability to repair things with a touch. At this level, he can repair some simple broken items, doors that were kicked in, metal housing, or impellors from water pumps. As his abilities grow the size of what he could repair would increase. (This does to allow him to mend living flesh). [power 3] [*][color=EFD7AD]Open[/color] Andrew has the ability to pick a lock. He has lock picks that act like magical foci. He can open basic locks, house, and vehicle locks. [power 5] [/list] [color=EFD7AD][b]Enchantment[/b][/color] [list] [*][color=EFD7AD]Calm the Beast[/color] Andrew has the ability to keep animals calm. Useful for when a bear comes into town or his horse decides to be spooked. This is a line of sight spell that requires concentration. [power 1] [/list] [color=EFD7AD][b]Conjuration[/b][/color] [list] [*][color=EFD7AD]Find the tool (Telekinesis)[/color] Andrew has the ability to have tools come to him. Useful when you are under a vehicle and you need a 10mm socket. This spell is line-of-sight. The best he can do is the five-pound sledgehammer. He thinks he could get a cat out of the tree with it, but it is easier to just get the fire truck or a ladder. He would be able to deflect a bullet but not stop it at this point. [power 2] [/list] [color=EFD7AD][h2]Personality[/h2][/color] [list] [*][color=EFD7AD]Honest[/color] Andrew is a good man and someone people can depend on. In his youth, he ran in the streets of Atlanta and was a hoodlum. He has a code to protect people. At time, he may choose not to follow the letter of the law to help someone out once. The next time he will throw the book at them. [*][color=EFD7AD]Curious[/color] Andrew wants to answer the basic questions detectives try to answer: Who did it? How did they do it? And Why did they do it? Sometime Where did they do it? Andrew got a late start on his magical training, so in many ways, he is an apprentice. [*][color=EFD7AD]Determined[/color] Andrew is determined. If he puts his mind to something, we will figure out a way to do it. If you speed through town, he will chase you to the State Line. [*][color=EFD7AD]Friendly[/color] Andrew liked people and prefers to be the good cop rather than being harsh. He will laugh and joke with you as he writes a ticket, and ask about your family and where you are from. He might even reduce the fine a bit if you are polite. [*][color=EFD7AD]Heroic[/color] Andrew would dash into a burning building to save someone, pull them from a burning car, and jump in the river to save someone drowning. To him, it is just his job. [/list] [color=EFD7AD][h2]Weaknesses[/h2][/color] [list] [*][color=EFD7AD]Still learning his magic[/color] Andrew's magic is weaker than most people his age. He also has a harder time controlling it. Some times it may fizzle on him. [*][color=EFD7AD]Stuborn[/color] Andrew was a Marine. He has a tendency to be stubborn when his mind is made up. [*][color=EFD7AD]Skeptical[/color] People lie and make up stories about things. He always thinks people are trying to pull a hustle because he was that kid. [*][color=EFD7AD]Determined[/color] Andrew is determined. If you speed through town, you are getting a ticket. Even if that means he has to chase you to the State line. If he thinks he can do something, he will push through till he can. [*][color=EFD7AD]Rule bender[/color] Some rules are just meant to be bent. Being an officer, there are times you give a warning rather than a ticket. He has a soft spot for young people. [/list] [color=EFD7AD][h2]History[/h2][/color] Andrew grew up in intercity Atlanta to a single mother who died when he was a young teenager. His mother worked two minimum wage jobs to keep a roof over their heads. Like many southern witches, she tried to keep Andrew from developing his magical abilities. His powers would manifest themselves at times and she would explain them away by using her own to mask his. Like many witches, there is a distrust of the government, and Southern Baptist Religious thinking is directly opposed to the use of magic. Because of the amount his mother worked, Andrew spent a lot of time running the streets. After his mother died he became a full-time gang member. He loved it. He had money, power, and girls, and he was never hungry. He learned how to steal vehicles and break into truck trailers and train cars. Like most young men, he believed he was unstoppable and bulletproof, till he was shot. He also started to learn about his magic and how to use it. In the ICU of the hospital, Andrew’s life fell apart. He woke up to see handcuffs on his arms and legs, and a large African-American police officer looking down at him. His name was Captain Thomas McCain and he became a father figure for Andrew. This is where he learned about repairing cars rather than stealing them. The traditional schooling did not work well for him as he had unofficially dropped out of school. After three years, Andrew was enlisted in the Marines. He earned his GED with the help of a Drill Sergeant. He was first assigned to the mechanics' corps and then assigned to the M.P.s. When he was discharged he attended college in Atlanta and received a degree in Criminal Justice. It was Captain McCain that suggested that Andrew apply for the officer job in City Bennington. He applied for the job, interviewed, and got the position. He has a nice apartment above the city garage next to the police station. [/hider]