[@VahkiDane]: If he's natively from Thaln he probably wouldn't have an Italian-based name, as Thaln is intended to be similar to Germany culturally. So, he'd probably have a Talderian(quite a few characters have Talderian names due to setting history) or Thalnen name. I do also want to stress Reonites attack Mayonites protect isn't a hard and fast rule, just a very generalized idea of how they operate, especially from the perspective of people outside of the clergy. Finally, paladins are clergy knights. They're something you need to train to be, given the full authorities of the clergy and either capable of magic(specifically divine magic associated with the Church) themselves or at least wielding blessed weaponry. Even if they can't do the former, they've always got the latter. Also, Mayonite colors are blue and white, so the Rose would be either blue or white accordingly.