Had Bouncer ever been in a taxi before? She decided she hadn’t, and couldn’t really understand the appeal. Well, no, actually, did Mateo’s car count? He drove her around sometimes when the wolf woman wanted her to do something or she had nothing better to do than tag along on the boys’ errands. Still, this shit kinda blew. Wasn’t it more fun to walk? Or, like, teleport? Not that other people could do that. She spent the ride with her feet propped up on the driver’s headrest, much to the man’s chagrin. The clinic didn’t look like much when they pulled up, but honestly all these little hole-in-the-wall places kinda bled together. Bouncer’s back was kind of starting to ache from her sitting posture, and she jumped out quickly when the cab rolled to a stop. Joel’s plan was about as shit as he’d warned. Why the hell did he get the fun part? Bouncer opened her mouth to protest, but Kitsune cut her off before she could say anything. Bouncer glowered at the other woman, but let it go anyway. Whatever. If this really were some kind of secret evil lair, the “discrete” entrance would probably have plenty of fun to be found anyway. “After you,” Bouncer said, sweeping her arm toward the clinic in a grand, permissive gesture. She stepped aside to let Joel past her, turning to cast her gaze over the building. It looked like she could go through the windows into the upper floor, but the fox woman probably wouldn’t be able to follow her there. No doubt there was an emergency exit or access door around back; that would probably work better. If it was locked, Bouncer could just head inside and open it. Or maybe Kitsune could, like, break it down. With whatever it was she did. Bouncer wasn’t actually sure if she’d ever found out or not. Whatever. Bouncer mentioned their likely method of ingress to Kitsune after Joel took off to do his thing. “I can take point,” she began, trying to remember all the “tactical” words she’d heard the boys say before. God, she was so good at strategy. She should be a leader, she’d be good at that maybe. “And you can clean up any stragglers who get past me. We can do a clean sweep while Joel holds the primary force away from me. Us. If he’s right about this place, there’ll likely be heavy resistance, so we should exercise force with full discrimination. Or whatever.”