"oooOOoOOoh... Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...! Thanks, Sofers." Brandy moaned in discomfort as the undead archer helped her back on her hooves. Standing back up, the little satyress gently massaged her bosom where the magic missile had struck, a pouty expression on her face as she did so - with no regard for decency as usual. When she saw the wretched gnome tied up in what was essentially a hogtie, she couldn't help but sneer. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, look at this. The might Wrestcrook, tied and gagged like a piggy ready for the spitroast! Maa-haa-haa-haa~!" Apparently, she was not above kicking those already down... And incapacitated... Then the important bit was underway, divvying up the spoils. Brandy complimented Sofia's newly acquired monocle, stating it made her look about 50% smarter... Which was an odd compliment to begin with, but no dobut Brandy didn't mean taht Sofia hadn't been looking intelligent previously. Following Alice over to the chest though, the satyr bobbed up and ddown excitedly as they opened the loot-box and peered inside. The tanned bombshell's eyes twinkled and a big old smile spread across her face as she got her first look at her very first [i]real[/i] taste of actual treasure. It was a momentus occassion for the fomer farm-girl, and she squeed in delight with no inhibition or restraint. "Woooah! Lookit all this stuff! Al! This is amazing! Just...! Just...! Look at it!" Brandy was excitedly tugging at Alice's sleeve and shoulder, like a kid on christmas day... Even though the concept of christmas didn't exist in this world. Nor did Jesus. Looking over the goods, Brandy reached down and plucked up the knife with the skull-pommel, fiddling with it and then turning her head to look back at Sofia. "Yeah, this one's definetely for Sofers. It fits her style and aura so well, like the dark heroine with her secret weapon, yeah?" So the satyr suggested at least. When she saw the belt though, she picked it up and gave it a glance-over, then looked at Alice. More precisely, Alice's waist... "Mmm... Yeah, this thing... Isn't really my style, y'know? But hey, maybe you could use it, Al? More belts mean you can carry more of those elkimical thingydoodads, right?" She stated, putting the belt back down. Finally, Brandy picked up the tiny ring and stared at it. Like, really, really, [i][b]really[/b][/i] stared at it. For a country-bumpkin who'd lived her entire life on a farm, she'd probably never seen an actual gold ring, let alone one studded with precious stones. It was very clear that she was fascinated by it. ... And probably wanted it too. But, contrary to what one would have guessed, the satyr put it back down and slipped it into the bag with the silver coins. She[b] did[/b] however forcefully grab onto the misplaced dress inside the chest and pull it out. "Wha-wh-what!? The heck? What's something this cute and gorgeous doin' in a crummy place like this!? No! This is just wrong! Why does Breasthook get to have a cute outfit like this lying around? No fair! Nope, not one bit! Thatä's it! I'm taking this! Bad guys don't get to have nice things." She huffed, trying to sound seriuous and valiant, but failing spectracularly since her eyes were a-sparkle and she had a big, goofy smile and blushy cheeks... Regardless! Once the loot had been scooped up and the girls had made sure that there were no more important things around - aside form the knocked-over scrolls and books from Vreznok's make-shift coffin-table, the time had come to leave. The two zombified ghouls were now lying still and quiet, with big, gaping holes burnt through their torsos. Chances were, they weren't going to be moving anytime soon... Like, ever... Well and truly dead, in every sense of the word. Leaving the crypt behind, they exited the necromancer's lair and stepped back out into the cemetery. Fortunately, not too much time seemed to have passed and there was still daylight left. Now, all taht remained was to go knock on Vincent's door, show him the captured gnome, explain and then head back to Gnarlton to report their success. Indeed, this was all in the bag. Well, sort ofö. Vreznok seemed to have recovered from his family-jewel-shattering pain and was now loudly and wildly protesting against his current state of being. Muffled swears and growls, coupled with shaking and squirming to make as much of a nuisance of himself as possible to transport and bring along...