[img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLmNlYTkzYi5WR2x0Wld0bFpYQmxjZy4y/beyond-wonderland.regular.webp[/img] [i][b][color=Goldenrod]"Brb gonna kill god."[/color][/b][/i] [color=gray][i]Current Location: Precinct #11[/i][/color] [hider=⧫ACT EIGHT⧫] [Center]13 | Male | Gemini | Clockwork Soldier Aeterna | Sword | Physical | Swift and Keen Clocksmith's Jacket | Industrial Chronosphere | Lightning | Overclock Eddy | Pistol, Medical Supplies [Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)] Damage (2), Damage X (6), Slow (4), Blink (4), Restrain (4), Minor Heal (4), Heal (16), Quicken (0), AoE (2) DAMAGE: C | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: D | 750 [color=silver][Silver Self][/color][Heal][Speedster]= [color=red]- 150[/color] MP PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: C | CHAOS: D | 20[/center] [/hider] Had he not thought this through? Perhaps, he had too much hope that this would be it. They could wait out the storm, hope the rest could defeat Justin, and break his thralls free from his control. To hell with the Diver. Finn said it himself, "Just save who we can." At best, he hoped Lydia turned out to be an esper too, but didn't tell him. At worst... He only hoped she could forgive the fool she called her brother. His mind hadn't even registered the rust that corroded his frame. The door was left unlocked. Just a bit further and-!! [i][color=goldenrod]"AAAGH!!"[/color][/i] Betty kneed him in the chest, no doubt returning the favor of rupturing her own boils. Momentarily stunned by the pain, the Timekeeper collapsed forward, giving her the opportunity to flee again. His eyes went wide in fear...for her. The hail was going to kill her if she didn't get to cover. [color=goldenrod]"BETTY NO, [i]WAIT!![/i]"[/color] Finn reached out for her in vain. [i]Again.[/i] He stood back to his feet as quick as he could will himself to, but it was too late. She dissapeared into the storm. She dissapeared [i]again[/i]. He was so close. Everything was starting to look up, despite the pain and hopelessness of the situation. And he still lost. Whatever hope he was clinging onto like a lifeline was gone in that instant. Why? [i]Why can't he do anything right?[/i] Finn wasn't even aware of the other agents' victory over Justin. What would it matter though, that wasn't his fight. Never was. As much as he wished it was, that detestible creep. All that mattered was that he wouldn't hurt anyone anymore. ...So now what? He didn't know how much mana the rest had. He was robbed of the bastard he wanted to kill, and the one person he (for some reason at this rate) wanted to be alive and safe continues to be a pain in the ass. No one was fighting the Diver either, did the other espers in the city get attacked too? As he leaned against the wall by the door, the boy noted two options. Wait out the rest of the spells. There were only two left till countless firstborns meet their end, but they have wasted too much time and mana on Justin and his toadies. Or, regroup with the others, and take out what remained of his anger on the diver. ...Right. He hurried back to the roof. He still had a bit of mana left to atleast do [i]something[/i]. If not, he would be fine just brute forcing that thing down with his gun and instrument. Someone's gotta get rid of that fucking thing, even if he [i]does[/i] die trying. Rusted and bloody, Finn soon emerged back on the top floor and gave the area a quick glance around. Justin was reduced to a pool of blood. Good riddance. Another new face had appeared to help them out. Locusts appeared too, number eight. Then there [i]it[/i] was, the gargantuan asshat himself. Without further delay, Finn broke into a sprint towards the bridge the teal-clad esper had created. He made himself faster, mending his wounds as he prepared himself to strike. Then once he was close enough, he practually launched himself at the Behemoth, aiming to stab it in the head. Then stab it again, and again, and again. [b][i][color=goldenrod]"JUST DIE ALREADY!"[/color][/i][/b] He roared, driven by desperation and frustration.