[center][h1]Secrets and Growing Up[/h1][/center][hr] Brandon Stark looked tired, very tired as he took a moment to sit down as the camp was finished. Across from him sat Gwen, his darling niece. One of his Pages came over and took his cloak. Rubbing his temples as he began to rub slowly. [color=C0C0C0]"Gwen... Redwynes, why did you have to run into them?"[/color] He explained as he leaned his elbow on the table. [color=C0C0C0]"I already have one headache with them..."[/color] He explained worriedly. Gwen opened her mouth to snap at her Uncle then thought better of it. She sighed and cleared her throat. It was always better to present facts when in a debate. Or so the Maester always said. And what was an argument but an emotional debate. [color=DCD0FF]“I do not understand what the problem is, Uncle."[/color] Gwen blamed her behavior on herself, but a small part of it she chalked up to isolation from the opposite sex. That part she understood as being cultural and steeped in tradition. Breaking tradition is not done in one afternoon, but apparently breaking your Uncle’s trust and possibly his heart a little, that took no time at all. Gwen bit her lip as she started to feel guilty, though she wasn’t entirely sure why. Which in turn upset her because, other than not having a maid around, she guessed that since her Aunts were unmarried and certainly not spinsters that were less than a handful of years her senior they did not count. Struggling to recall etiquette lessons about such a thing was giving her a headache. [color=DCD0FF]“Truly Uncle Bran I did not expect to entirely run into them but I do not seem to understand the harm this caused. I am not stupid I need to marry at some point. I am not Beylee who would shun marriage given half the chance. I would like a chance to have what my mother and father had. What you and Aunt Sylvara have. Much as I wish it wasn’t just about the outside it is. Or at least at the start."[/color] [color=C0C0C0]"I... I understand but try to limit your interests to closer to home... Look, your cousin wishes no one else to know... But for years he has pined for Honora Redwyne. I have been figuring out ways to approach this. Meanwhile Gryffith has been training and he intends to do well to ask for her hand... They are rather in love... And what goes beyond this is these rumors of Blackfyre trying to take the throne!"[/color] He slammed a hand groaning as took a deep breath. [color=C0C0C0]"And if they are not bad enough... I suspect Redwyne would do anything they could to defeat Tyrell. I do not want us caught up in this war. Neither does Lord Barthogan. You understand the difficult position this could place us in?"[/color] Gwen swallowed hard and looked down at the table. [color=DCD0FF][i]Gryffith? In love?[/i][/color]. She shoved aside that painful thought for now. She’d deal with it later. Her Uncle was telling her something important. [color=DCD0FF]“Uncle it is not difficult to understand that people would take issue with a house that only recently came to power. The Tyrells are new blood in a region ruled by old blood. They were in the right place at the right time. Their forebears made the decision to bend the knee rather than die. Our own line is not so different in that regard."[/color] Shaking her head Gwen raised an eyebrow. [color=DCD0FF]“if you didn’t want a foot in this war why are you even considering letting Gryffith ma-”[/color] She stumbled a bit and cleared her throat. [color=DCD0FF]“Marry the Redwyne girl? With her rabid defense of Ary- her brother, you know if it came to it that she would want to help them."[/color] [color=C0C0C0]"I understand that is normally how these things work. That is why I am so worried... I love my son however and they know we would not stand for it. I am giving him a chance to win the Redwyne's over. If he cannot, I will seek another match... Someone who cares for and loves him dearly who he can grow to love."[/color] Brandon explained as he sat back slowly then stared at Gwen. [color=C0C0C0]"We cannot march till our stores are full and our banners gather. That would take months. You know your history. My father could not get his army together in time for the dance. Then cross all of the kingdoms? We are not a good ally and they know it my dear."[/color] He explained shutting his eyes.[color=C0C0C0] "I understand their grievances with the others... But every Warden swears to the Targayrens his loyalty and service. Not Blackfyres, I will not strike my King."[/color] [color=DCD0FF]“Not to be contrary Uncle but… You are not Cregan. You have more than what he did at the time. And you have never been one to quake at rumors. If it is as you say then wouldn’t Blackfyre have a point? Legitimate children inherit according to the primogenitor laws. Don’t ask how I know this will keep you sleepless at night if this situation gives you a headache. Regardless, Aegon IV legitimized all his children's Uncle. All of them. That would mean that Blackfyre would need to go past four Princes of the Realm before he could inherit. I don’t see that happening without someone knowing more than a rumor."[/color] She did not speak on the hint that her Uncle knew about her girlhood infatuation. Brandon nodded then sighed. [color=C0C0C0]"As a rule I stay out of southern politics. I am not Warden of the north as such it is my brother's choice. One I have to convince him of... Would you like to convince Blacksword to March his army down here? He is Cregan's son more than I am. Warrior with all balls and brains. But hatred of politics."[/color] He explained, reminding her he was heir not Warden. [color=C0C0C0]"These rumors have been around for years. But they have merit, much as I loathe it. I am not Cregan and I don't want to be. We have enough problems in the north."[/color] Brandon sighed. [color=C0C0C0]"Meaning I can't push this unless her family is interested... Meaning Gryffith has to do well here... Failure will mean we have to match him."[/color] [color=DCD0FF]“Uncle Barth wouldn’t need me to talk him into it."[/color] Gwen tilted her head. [color=DCD0FF]“He likes to hear that his brother has come up with the same idea he did. And if her family was interested? What then? You know what you should be doing Uncle so why aren’t you?"[/color] [color=C0C0C0]"What I am doing is avoiding trouble. I will talk with him. However... You were his original idea. He thought you and Gryffith would be a good match."[/color] He explained why. Gwen blinked and shook her head. [color=DCD0FF]“I would never be a good choice now."[/color] She blushed. [color=DCD0FF]“Maybe once but not now. Not unless it were his idea. I don’t want to be a replacement. I want to be first in someone’s heart. But if you didn’t notice Lady Redwyne wasn’t directing her venom at me. Let me talk to her. I would do this for Gryffith and you Uncle."[/color] Smirking, she put her chin in her hand. [color=DCD0FF]“You know I’ll do it without your permission unless you lock me up. Which would be counterproductive to marrying me off. Unless you want Gryffith to hate you. And you know Mathias won’t marry me. He doesn’t fancy me. I am what you made me, rather allowed me to become."[/color] Gwen knew she was a pawn but she was going to be the biggest pawn on the board. She just hoped her Uncle knew that she could handle it. Standing she leaned over the table balancing on her fingertips looking him directly in the eye. Gone was the girl she pretended to be to fool others. Here stood a woman who knew her mind's capabilities and her battleground. One who'd taken a calculated risk to be seen by every House in attendance. She'd let her Aunts trot her around knowing her height and hair would be a beacon for every male eye. She wore her house colors and she'd been the one that steered them away from the Northern encampment. She acknowledged that she was out of her depth with Arystide but that was a fluke. No one was perfect. But the Redwyne Pavilion had the biggest crowd and damn her Uncle for getting in the way before she sang. That would have gotten even more attention. She still didn't regret what she had done, unless it ruined Gryffith's chances of happiness. That would cast a shadow over the strategy. [color=DCD0FF]“You taught me to use my gifts for the House. I paid attention to the lessons, asked questions and learned more. You gave me this knowledge. Not only how to use a weapon but how to use my brain in defense of myself and those I love. Strategy. Tactics. Histories of kings and queens. How they became what they were. How they rose into power. Don’t cripple me now when you just brought me to where I can do the most good."[/color] [color=C0C0C0]“Look I don’t intend to stop you but it is delicate. Griffith wants to win her hand his own way... The boy is too shy to sing in public, too nervous to speak up to her in a crowded room, but his sword... Even Mathias with all his strength can barely match him. He’s my equal or more in battle, I’ve had many more years than him."[/color] Brandon explained shaking his head at the idea of corralling her in place. [color=C0C0C0]“Look... I may not have much but... I do have friends coming to this but perhaps for now don’t get us embittered between several powerful houses with enough troops to wage wars for a decade? ...Beylee needs a chaperone for the day. How about you watch her and keep her out of trouble and I won’t mention your visit to the Redwyne’s to anyone?"[/color] He offered to let it be water under the bridge at least. [color=C0C0C0]“If you want to help you may, later Gwen. You have Stark stubbornness and Riverlands pride, a dangerous combination."[/color] He added reminding her of their shared parentage. [color=C0C0C0]“You are nothing I made you... If you were you’d be praying with us at the weirwoods than in a Sept. You are more like mother and father than anything else, or my sister..."[/color] He chuckled a moment then frowned. [color=C0C0C0]“Also if you see Torrhen and Cregard be careful those two are around here somewhere why Edric sent them down I’ll never know."[/color] He added, cracking his fingers. [color=C0C0C0]“I am going to rest while I can it is a long trip... Please don’t make me have to give you a guard, I know few of my men from house Mormont like to spend time with you but this is supposed to be fun. Just responsible fun, not your poor uncle tearing out his hair trying to keep the ghost of your father from haunting my tomb."[/color] He added, shaking his head. Gwen thought for a moment. [color=DCD0FF]"Uncle Edric was passed over to inherit. He's hard to read but if it were me I'd be out to make sure you had an accident where I couldn't be implicit."[/color] [color=C0C0C0]“Gwen! Edric is my brother. He is a Stark though we may not get along, he is family, he’d not slay his brothers for a plot of land. I love my brother and his children even if they are maddening we must love our family. We will not treat him like some ruffian of low moral standing."[/color] He sternly tried to remind her that she was speaking about family and it was rude without evidence to talk of such things. Gwen tilted her head. [color=DCD0FF]“You brought it up Uncle. Honestly I’m surprised that Uncle Tobias hasn’t sent someone up here to make sure I don’t come back. Perhaps he loves me more than I thought?"[/color] She paced a moment. [color=DCD0FF]“You know I’d do anything for Beylee as much as she annoys me at times so I will do as you ask. Though wrestling her into a court dress is punishment enough."[/color] [color=C0C0C0]“I suggested you be careful around your cousins. They are dangerous and their father married close to his own kin. I just don’t want you getting roped into that sort of life."[/color] He spoke with a sigh leaning back. [color=C0C0C0]“Now no need for Beylee to be a dress, just make sure she isn’t trying to knock men off horses with Ashe. I get enough trouble from that boy alone."[/color] He added, sighing he’d have to wrangle his son later too. Gwen shuttered delicately in distaste about her other Uncle’s history. [color=DCD0FF]"I prefer to have a few more degrees of separation from the father of my hypothetical children and more branches on the tree. Fine, I will handle Beylee. Aunt Luci and Quinn and myself will be her keepers. Gods knows that she and our Reed cousin will be chaperones enough that I may never get married."[/color] She reached out to touch his hand. [color=DCD0FF]“I know you want to show Luci, Quinn and myself off..."[/color] Gwen sighed. [color=DCD0FF]“Whom am I meeting? At least give me that so I can plan who will sit where and what you expect of me. I would not ask you your plans for fear that you’d do the same for me, and that I am not ready to fully give away."[/color] [color=C0C0C0]“Right now? Worry not about being shown off it’s your first tourney... More will come, you only need to catch eyes and have fun. Your marriage is the future not today or in the days to come. I did not marry off my boys so early and your uncle has no pull here. Enjoy and see, after all spend enough around southerners you’ll learn how it’s somehow warmer in the north."[/color] He teased her again, squeezing her hand. Gwen smiled broadly. She had her grandfather Quincy’s smile with even white teeth and deep dimples. It was one of the things that had drawn Lyanna Stark to him. Her grandmother described it as [i]‘The summer sun had come to the north and shined only for her.’[/i] and praised that it was passed down. Gwen teased back. [color=DCD0FF]“You know I might find it warmer in the north but dipping my toes in water that isn’t my bath sounds delightful."[/color] [color=C0C0C0]“Whatever you do just no further than talking Gwen? If war does come down here I want us all out of it and safe back in Winterfell. Not galavanting around looking for lovers or riding off to rescue princesses."[/color] He added a simple request he made of her. [color=C0C0C0]“You’ll have plenty more chances and plenty more men... You’ll find ones who matter and ones who never did."[/color] He added in a tone as if he missed his own youth on days like this. Gwen looked at her Uncle like he had decided to dance in dragonfire. [color=DCD0FF]“Uncle, you realize there will be dancing? And I am dancing. That is not negotiable. You know I love to dance just as much as I love to swing blades. You cannot be serious about telling me I can’t dance with anyone."[/color] [color=C0C0C0]“I am fine with dancing, just don’t offer more than that."[/color] He spoke, waving his hand. [color=C0C0C0]“Please, I need a nap my dear."[/color] He groaned as he waved for her to go onward with her day. As he began to relax into the chair. [color=DCD0FF]“As you wish Uncle."[/color] Gwen dips a quick curtsey and leaves the tent. Motioning one of the Northmen over she looks him in the eye intensely. [color=DCD0FF]“No one is to disturb my Uncle for anything less than someone bleeding, broken or dying for the next two hours. Find another family member if you need assistance. They can all pull their weight for that long. The youngest Stark girl and the Reed girl will be with my Aunts and myself."[/color] [hider=TLDR] [list] [*]Explanation of plot [*]Back and forth between Uncle and niece [*]Gwen showing that she wants a chance to do what she came to do [*]Brandon recognizing her growth and understanding that she wants to do more [*]Dismissial so Brandon can rest [*]Gwen ordering no one bother Brandon for 2hrs[/list] [/hider] [hider=Collab Credit] [@Apollosarcher] [/hider]