[h3]Giselle de Farry[/h3][i]Undead Princess, de Farry[/i] [hr] The flurry of activity within the cathedral was an interesting feeling. Even before their great slumber, it had been many hundreds of years since she’d banded together with others in something that actually felt like it had… potential. It would have been a heady feeling, had the circumstances the surrounded it all not been so dire. Giselle hadn’t paid attention to the thrall that Luna had picked up until now, having had other things to do, but she spared her a nod of acknowledgement when the woman voiced her agreement of her observation. [b]“If there is something to be salvaged, I would like to have a hand in rebuilding what was lost.”[/b] The attack of the paladins upon what once had been sanctuary ground remained her greatest and most severe failure, even if it had been inevitable. Being given the chance to rebuild it all once more, in a time that needed it more than ever more than fueled her desire to see the directives from her goddess through. It would certainly be interesting to see her queen once more, at least. For now, though, there were more undead and a certain paladin to enact some revenge upon. Going about it was something else, though, especially when the beast seemed to have taken notice of her groups’ activities. She gave her own input on the matter. [b]“Perhaps, perhaps not. One or the other may be harder than one might think, but its sword would certainly make a lovely trophy for one of our number. That said, let it drive itself and its hordes against the gates of the cathedral. Best not squander the advantage we have been given.”[/b] She briefly glanced over at the red-haired priestess, idly wondering for a moment if the zealot would raise an objection in the grounds of desecrating the monument. It seemed Illena agreed with her position, as a moment later, the brim-hatted witch ferried her up on top of the gatehouse alongside Aleksiya. It wasn’t as optimal as it could be, but it still worked. If she’d known, she would have spent more effort on restoring a rifle, though… But in times like these, beggars could not be choosers. Drawing her new revolver, she made sure the weapon was loaded before she leveled the weapon at the undead below. Were she a lesser being, it would have been impossible to land a shot with such a weapon from such a distance. But she was not, and each of the six shots of her opening salvo found their mark.