[hider=House Reed] [color=6B8E23]House Reed of Greywater Watch [center][img]https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/b/b6/House_Reed.svg/818px-House_Reed.svg.png[/img][/center] [color=6B8E23][center][h2]Trees Speak. Shadows Live.[/h2][/center][/color] [/color] [color=6B8E23]House Description:[/color] Greywater Watch, also known as Greywater, is the seat of House Reed in the north. It is roughly located in an eastern headwater of the Green Fork in the swamps of the Neck, southwest of Moat Cailin. It is a [url=https://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/d/d8/Greywater_Watch.jpg/450px-Greywater_Watch.jpg]Castle[/url] built upon a crannog, one of the man-made floating islands of the swamps, and it does not stay in the same place, making it impossible for ravens or enemies to find. The crannogmen are so called for their habit of living in small villages formed of reeds and thatch that sit atop floating islands in the mire (crannogs). They are a poor people and seldom leave their lands, subsisting on fishing and frogging. Some claim the crannogmen's smaller size is because of intermarriage with the children of the forest, while others attribute their size to poor nutrition. Crannogmen are talented hunters and warriors. Despite their short stature and somewhat primitive lifestyle, they have proven notoriously difficult people to conquer. They wield nets, bronze knives, three-pronged frog spears, and round leather shields. They use guerrilla tactics and have a mastery of their difficult terrain. According to those who have fought them, their houses, even their castles, move. Crannogmen are looked down upon by most other people of the Seven Kingdoms for their tactics, which are viewed as cowardly. Ironborn claim that crannogmen poison their weapons and smear them with feces and worse things. Even a graze by a poisoned arrow can be deadly. The swamp-dwellers are disparaged as "frog-eaters" and "mud-man”, while ironborn refer to them as bog devils. Crannogmen are well acquainted with House Frey of the Twins, who control the crossing of the Green Fork. Riverfolk allege that crannogmen can breathe water, have green teeth, and have webbed hands and feet like frogs. The histories say that the crannogmen grew close to the children of the forest in the days when the greenseers tried to bring the hammer of the waters down upon the Neck. The crannogmen and their Marsh Kings held Moat Cailin against southron invaders. They swore oaths of fealty to the Starks thousands of years ago, when King Rickard Stark slew the last Marsh King and took his daughter as wife. The crannogmen are now ruled by House Reed from Greywater Watch. Other families of crannogmen are Houses Blackmyre, Boggs, Cray, Fenn, Greengood, Peat, and Quagg.[4] They have a feud with House Frey, who have ruled the lands immediately to the south in the northern riverlands for the last six centuries. [color=6B8E23]Recent History:[/color] Not much is known about House Reed for they keep their secrets close. Most recently they sent their only daughter to the House to ward at Winterfell. She began her wardship as a favor to her Grandmother who thought her niece Beylee could use more girls around her age after the Carmyne girl was awarded to Brandon Stark. This has been the most interaction outside of combat that the Neck has seen. [color=6B8E23]Family Members:[/color] [list] [*][url=https://cache.moviestillsdb.com/i/500x/b4h8h75p/tristan-and-isolde-lg.jpg]Tor Reed[/url]: 50 born 152 AC. [*][url=https://static1.personality-database.com/profile_images/34b8a86b8dcc4a6c841e4951f35adc75.png]Moyra [s]Tallheart[/s] Reed[/url]: 45 born 1157 AC. [*][url=https://livebiography.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Ben-Aldridge-Intro.jpg]Carden Reed[/url]: 25 born 177 AC. A quiet serious man. [*][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/reign-cw/images/d/d7/Leith2x01ib.png/revision/latest?cb=20141004181149]Saerek Reed[/url]: 20 born 182 AC. Currently in Oldtown earning his Rings. [*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/474x/f4/60/58/f46058fb84bf9bf53f3928f78d5dfe07.jpg]Tomlyn Reed[/url]: 17 born 185 AC. A bit of a snot but kind in his own way. [*][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/31d349c4-f727-497b-9bf7-f611d5a71e13/scale-to-width/755]Sasja Reed[/url]: 15 born 187 AC (see character section below) [*]][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/f0/df/0ff0df4d58df040a7a6afd91fd8267a9.jpg]Sarra [s]Stark[/s] Reed[/url]: 67 born 135 AC. Grandmother to the Reed children. [/list] [color=6B8E23]Household Members:[/color] [list] [*][url=https://i.redd.it/wpocd2yozwn51.jpg]Joren Hull Master at Arms[/url]: 40 born 162 AC. Sweet but firm man that was Sasja’s first teacher in weapons. [*][url=https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/15274331/740full-angel-coulby.jpg]Lorris Hull Bowman[/url]: 37 born 165 AC. Wife of Joren and silent bowman of great skill. [*][url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOWNhZTQ1ZDAtZDVmMy00NGZiLWE0ODktYjU2ZWRmYjkzMzdmXkEyXkFqcGdeQWRpZWdtb25n._V1_CR7,0,626,352_AL_UY268_CR5,0,477,268_AL_.jpg]Jeson Bouge Kennel Master[/url]: 45 born 157 AC. Strict and stern man save for with his animals. [/list] [/hider] [color=6B8E23]Character Sheets:[/color] [hider=Sasja Reed] [center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/31d349c4-f727-497b-9bf7-f611d5a71e13/scale-to-width/755[/img][/center] Name: [color=6B8E23]Sasja Reed[/color] Age: [color=6B8E23]15 born 187 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=6B8E23]House Reed of Greywater & House Stark[/color] Description & Biography: [color=6B8E23] Sasja is small and looks young for her age like many Crannogmen. Barely breaking past five feet in height. Combined with her lean and athletic build she could potentially pass for a boy at first glance if not for the softening features of her hair and face. She prefers to keep her hair in a sensible braid or single tail when out hunting, camping or fighting and would have cut it short some time ago if her mother and grandmother wouldn’t have thrown a fit over it. Lately at the insistence of the more ladylike members of Winterfell’s court she’s been learning to wear it down, with some difficulty. Her eyes are a soft olive green and her skin is freckled but pale from time spent in the shadowy canopy cover and murky mists of the Neck. She usually wears practical hunting clothes or light but sturdy cloth and leather armor that won’t slow her down even if she’s climbing trees or falls into the brackish swamps of her homeland. As the youngest child and only daughter of House Reed, Sasja grew up wanting to be a hunter and a warrior more than anything, especially after she was told stories of the Children of the Forest’s Wood Dancers and other bits of the old lore. This was less unusual among the Crannogmen, where a mix of the old culture of the Children, the harsh swamps and poor farming meant that men and women often had to hunt and fight together to survive. Sasja spent her earliest childhood trailing after Joren and Lorris Hull, a couple serving as her father’s Master at Arms and most skilled huntress respectively. Under their watchful eyes she learned all the traditional fighting arts of the Crannogmen including frogspear, knife and net fighting from Joren and eventually archery and general marksmanship from Lorris, all of which she took to with a passion. Sasja’s overall education was so far sporadic and highly self-driven, much to the horror of her mother and grandmother and the amused exasperation of her Maester-in-training older brother. She has trouble sitting still for lessons on lineage or etiquette and couldn’t care less about fashion except for the impracticality of so many of the nobility’s popular outfits. She finds poetry a bore apart from old epics and improvising dirty limericks and mocking jibes. Her singing voice is excellent and pure but used mostly for Crannogmen hunting songs and bawdy soldier’s tunes. She can barely ride a horse, dances like a one-legged toad and has even worse sewing skills. In short, up until she was packed off to Winterfell she was a complete failure as a proper noble lady. On the other hand all her awkwardness and inattentiveness melts away when she’s properly engaged in her element. She’s memorized everything her brother Saerek and mentor Loriss had to teach her about plants and animals and their uses in poisons, antidotes and medicine. She’s graceful and agile when moving through the near impassable marshlands of the Neck and can swim like a fish, climb like a monkey and move from shadow to shadow without making a sound if she focuses. While she’s somewhat lacking in social graces, she was able to learn the hand signs that Lorris uses to communicate easily and has been trying to teach them to her cousins at Winterfell. The same hands that fail at sewing can weave together lashings for a raft or lean-to and draw detailed pictures of plants, animals and people’s faces from memory. She’s even got an excellent sense of direction in spite of her usual inability to pay attention. Still, her lack of ladylike refinement was ultimately what got her sent to Winterfell and the Starks at age ten, her mother and Grandma Stark framing the trip as ‘saving’ her daughter from life as an unmarriable wild tomboy while her father more gently agreed that it would do her some good to get out and see the wider world beyond the Neck and maybe gain some perspective. Since arriving in Winterfell five years ago she’s become like another Stark child, helped along by her blood relationship to the family and being the same age as Beylee Stark. She’s no less of a tomboy but has started to take her education more seriously, thanks in part to encouragement by her fellow ward Gwen Carmyne. She’s closest to Gwen and Beylee and often caught in the middle of the two’s frequent sibling wars, with which side she joins in on or whether she’s trying to restore the peace changing from incident to incident. Lately, Sasja has been troubled by strange foreboding dreams, snippets of things she doesn’t understand and glimpses through the eyes of animals, though she always wakes before too long.[/color] [/hider]