[@Guy0fV4lor] [hr] “Perhaps.” Akala replied absentmindedly to Finnegan as he’d ask for supplies and the location of the Valtem. “The Goddess is known to meddle quite often…though I don’t want to be involved myself…” she’d yawn, stretching and dipping her toes into the water of the reflecting pool as she’d open the book. Oddly, Finn would note, its pages were empty aside from a few inked words on the first page. “Mmhm, if you want bandages though, you’ll have to find Miss. Calra. She’s our resident doctor and healer. She’s a Chiralta Tycherta. She might be out in the church attending to some patients. You could probably get a spear from the hunters, or our blacksmith, a dwarf by the name of Asvar if he’s at his forge.” Akala rolled over onto her stomach, the book flopping idly next to her onto the ground. “The Valtem are hiding out in the sea caves near the cliff where the Obelisk is…I think.” The languid priestess yawned again, though fell silent and seemed done with Finn if there was nothing else he needed from her. On his way out, Finnegan briefly would meet with Achel and Enli, the elder though neither would keep him long aside from thanking him for his potential help as Achel went to clean up the catacombs from her mishap…after apparently getting a stern talking to from Enli. Tracking down Calra though, proved a bit more difficult. She wasn’t at the longhouse where he’d initially be directed if asked. Instead, he’d end up having to travel almost out of the village to run into the Chiralta. And well, if he thought Achel was an oddity, the small woman with a lower body of a spider would prove quite the interesting sight. Regardless, she’d part with some bandages and a freshly made healing salve if he had need of it. A spear was a bit easier to track down. The hunters grumbled about it, but their apparently leader, a young man by the name of Akando would give him one without too much of a problem. What he didn’t expect though, was probably one of the hunters tagging along with him…As he’d make his way along the frozen coast, towards where the Valtem supposedly were, he’d find himself accompanied by a Huntress since she had been there when the Elf had tried to help deal with it herself. “You don’t look very special.” The huntress spoke idly as they’d walk, not too far from the Obelisk or sea caves. “You sure you can handle those guys? They have this giant red sea creature with them that’s the size of a house.” That was odd. Finnegan would be vaguely aware of large species of Valtem acting as brood mothers and caregivers for the Valtem Young. Normally, they would never leave their homes deep beneath the seas. [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The Goddess yawns, stretching and seems bored with this situation[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Afternoon [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] So many people with frostbite. Poor things. [*] I wonder whats behind that door. [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@ERode] [hr] “...how do you get so…strong.” Maira crept out from where she had been hiding, asking Atzi a rather easy, pointed question as she’d put away her bow and arrows. “Are you sure you’re not part bear yourself?” The huntress questioned with a shake of her head. “Sure. I’ll go find the sphere won’t be long.” Letting Atzi do as she wished, Maira would scamper off again, though she’d make sure to keep herself in sight as she’d skirt around the edge of the lake. The lake itself was a beautiful, tranquil clearing in the midst of the forest now that the bear had been taken care of. The crystal clear water gleamed in the light, the afternoon sun reflecting brilliantly off its surface as a number of lake fish could seen below, scared off by the noise from the scuffle. On the opposite shore, a number of rocks had been piled up, what seemed to be old, carved stairs leading from the top, around a circular rock towards the water itself. It seemed this was where Maira was heading, having already made it to the stairs and was quickly climbing them, disappearing above the rocks. However long Atzi spent cleaning herself and letting the bear bleed out, by the time she’d finish, Maira hadn’t returned. [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The goddess adds more pictures to the screen for Atzi. She gets the feeling the goddess is pitying her.[/i] Current location: Kyr Forest Time: Morning [hr] Current Objective: Retrieve the Orb before the cultists do [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@Click This][@Crusader Lord] [hr] “We are not arresting you. We merely want to make sure you hold no ill will towards her majesty.” The ratmen said with a small growl that once more, would have probably been more intimidating on a larger person. “Words are easy to say, easy to break. Deceive. We will not let ourselves be deceived again by a vagrant such as you, not after the safety of our people came into question!” A heated squeak from their leader again as Nylah would now make her own plea. He’d turn towards the Mothraki, eyes narrowed beneath his helm, but seemingly relaxing a bit at her more agreeable demeanor. “One of you, at least, has sense.” “Is something the matter here, gentlemen?” Another voice joined the ratmen, causing the Yaga that was standing nearby to frown, growling slightly before quickly fleeing the scene, though only far enough to remain out of sight of the Krysa. The voice in question, was of a particularly well dressed Krysa man, just a bit taller…well, no, he was no taller, but his hat was considerably taller than the rest of his fellows, being a tall, cylindrical shape and apparently quite fluffy looking and at least giving him two more feet of height so Lissa might feel like she was talking to a hat. He was dressed in otherwise red colored military garments. “Merchants sir, they don’t want to come along quietly.” “Hmm…I am General Gershel. I apologize for the gold welcome. We are merely on edge from the events that have happened recently. Allow me to give you a bit of a warmer welcome, traveler.” he’d hold out a hand, seemingly ready to give Lissa a friendly hand shake. “But I must insist you come with us for…discussion. You see, the life of one of our dear comrades was threatened recently and we must be cautious about who we trust.” [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The goddess is playing fetch with a dog[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Current Objective: Gain access to the village Or perhaps you’d like to avoid it entirely and go straight to Mie? [hr] [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@crimson Paladin] [hr] A bold plan, perhaps, but it was likely one of the better ones he could make here. Just an innocent traveler, by himself. He was neither Oni or Kitsune, and had no relation to the merchant at all. As he’d sit to take out a drink, Ayumi would quickly join Novak curling up into a fuzzy ball next to him as his plans to overhear and swipe some documents from the rat lady would quickly bear fruit. Ayumi tilted her head to the side after a brief respite, then scampered off leaving Novak to overhear. “I still don’t believe it.” One of the ratmen said. “The life of Sir Ozven threatened so blatantly. I can’t think of any reason she’d want to.” “Quiet. You’ll upset Lady Marushka with such talk. Its not our place to question, soldier. Only follow orders. The fact is that it was threatened, and we have proof-” A scream followed. “Ah, Fox! That’s not food no stop that!” A few seconds later, Ayumi came barreling past Novak, a bunch of papers in her maw…shortly followed by the Krysa maiden, who’d end up tripping over Novak, and falling face first into the snow with her torso across his lap. “Lady Marushka!” “Damn that Vermin’s fast!” “After it men! It made off with the Tsarita’s orders!” Maruska was seemingly winded after having tripped over Novak. [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The moon goddess waves hello, a little dialogue box tells you good morning[/i] Current location: Northern Snowfields Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider]