[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220818/32b1f4e911de81620719c5eee1ff8a46.png[/img] [hr] It was hard to tell if Chemaxzord was paying attention at any given time. The constant shifting of his body, lack of facial features along with a slew of other descriptors added up to a very hard to read creature so it was easy for the alien to get away with spacing out of the conversations happening in front of him. His mind focused more on how he was going to make his Temp job in 30 minutes across the city. His life on a spaceship didn't involve a lot of time management skills and as such the Oobleck with mechanical legs had been given many a slap on the metaphorical wrist about being late places. Eventually though the mean-green space man brought himself back to reality at the direct instructions given to him. [color=lime]"PEOPLE. ME WITH OTHER DRAGONSON WILL HELP LIVE."[/color] Chemaxzord replied to the speedster, requiring no further clarifications as he hurdled his body haphazardly towards the boom tube after the Jet idea fell through. ME had no mouth but he must puke. His whole body was basically a stomach so the nausea some of his comrades would feel after going tubin' was magnified ten fold for the amoeba on steroids. Barely able to keep himself together, Chemaxzord's form slumped over his artificial body, weakly shuffling the mechanical corpse across the floor as he half heartedly looked for civilians. There was the the sound of chaos in the air but that seemed to be pretty normal for malls given Chemaxzord's experience. It was a crowded place so screams and smashing sounds were to be expected right? After slowly turning a corner, ME came across a group of civilians huddled inside a phone kiosk, away from the carnage. Mimicking a human gesture for 'getting ready' the alien slammed his mechanical hands together and began to rub, letting our an ear splitting metal-on-metal screech that had the unintended effect of drawing the scared survivors attention. Their fear tripled as alien stumbled towards them, still lacking his sea legs so to speak. Chemaxzord, with great effort, raised his slick appendages up to try to amplify his voice as he tried to reassure and direct the scared humans. [color=lime]"SsslLllS... Wurb. Slllr..rRRlss bLURrRGbbBb... SssrbbBBbSSsll... Lsswrmb... SAFE NOT..."[/color] Chemaxzord was evidently still not well enough to even speak but whatever he said seemed to work as the civilians ran for the nearest exit, albeit screaming which seemed a little odd to ME. Content with his work, Chemaxzord moved onto another group of survivors currently dealing with their fear in a more destructive manner. The group of similarly dressed civilians were dealing with their fear by tossing over some mall kiddie rides and routing through and overturned trash bin. This was very illegal but Chemaxzord was smart enough to know people did stupid things when fearing for their lives. ME took a bit of a breather as his outer membrane brought in a greater amount of air in the hopes of sorting out his sickness a bit better. With some renewed vigor, Chemaxzord approached the group who now took notice of him. [b][color=white]"Back off flubber, the lighter's mine."[/color][/b] one of the red-garbed human said before ME could address them. The others didn't pay as much attention as they continued their search though they would steal a glance every now and then. [color=lime]"ME AFFECTS BY LIGHT MUCH WITH THE TIME. NONE OF THE LIGHTING IS WILL BE GIVEN TO ME VIA ME. CHEMAXZORD IS TO BE ASSIST NOW EVACUATE. SAFE NOT CONTAINED MALL HERE. YOU GROUP WISE LEAVE. TOWARDS OUT."[/COLOR] Chemaxzord replied, assuring the civilians of his noble intent and beginning to usher them towards the exits. [b][color=white]"What are you going on about? Just make like a tree before you get bent."[/color][/b] the main civilian said as his friends turned their full attention now to ME. [i][color=lime]TREE... STURDY... BLOCK WIND... PROTECT FROM WIND... PROTECTOR... BENT TO PROTECT! REQUEST BENT PROTECTION FOR LEAVEMENT![/color][/i] the alien thought as the figures of speech missed him by a mile and he took the insult as an invitation for heroics. Chemaxzord's arms extended from his mechanical body and quickly [i]bent[/i] around the startled group of youngsters. ME's body turned around and began leading/dragging the group back towards the exit. They thrashed around a fair bit but ME chalked that up to fear of the situation they found themselves in and would not take it personally. As the trek went on, walking began to get tougher for the Earth foreigner. Checking back at the group, ME found more people added to the group, wriggling around which was now beginning to threaten the alien's grip. [color=lime]"ME ARE NONE MORE TO THE CROWD. TOO GREAT WITH ME ABILITIES! CEASE!"[/color] Chemaxzord pleaded as he saw more civilians join the group from seemingly nowhere. Getting a bit desperate, the alien took some drastic measures. Unbeknownst to the 'civilians' at first, their red coats began to change, subtly at first and only those on the outside of the group, but soon the change moved quicker and to the core of group. As the group's coats turned to metal, Chemaxzord took a breath as they struggled in their shiny personal prisons. ME now dug in his heels and dragged the group to the doors of the building, shoving them outside so the proper authorities could help them out. Ever the airhead though, Chemaxzord forgot to unmetalfy their coats, leaving the group yelling and cursing as they sat on the ground, stuck together to be gawked at by their fellow civilians.