[color=fdc68a]"Yeah, you get used to it after a while - plus earplugs. Thank the gods for earplugs,"[/color] Lorna said with a giggle. She had a hard time sleeping when she could hear people snoring, and with how many people were crammed into Cabin 11, snoring was practically guaranteed. The earplugs she had gotten from the camp store must've been magic, and they were proving essential to her good night's sleep. She assumed that they'd be heading to get breakfast, so Lorna started walking in that direction anyways with her friend. That was one thing that she felt bad about, how Kitty had to sit at the Poseidon table all by herself during meals. The Hermes table might've been overflowing, but at least there was always someone to talk to. [color=fdc68a]"What activities are you scheduled for today, by the way?"[/color] Lorna asked, curious if Kitty would end up doing anything with Cabin 11.