[hr] [center][h2]Bam! Biff! Pow![/h2][/center] [hr][@Leophael] [@myinneroblivion] [@ShadowsofNight] [hr] Manny's fear was replaced by genuine shock. "Wait what?! Police records didn't say he was a super!" The Latino man said with incredulity as he looked at Bucur, the goons, and Bob. But as he used the helmet's magnifying specs he noticed that Bucur's body was barely kept in by his clothes, dilated pupils, and a faint glimmering dust at the corner of his bloodied lips. Bob was right, Bucur was a super...but only because he was dusted up. Bob gives a brief but rousing quip to encourage his fellows just Bucur was about to grab the fallen case of Diamond Dust only for it to be snatched away by the human blur known as the Jersey Devil. This irritated the man to no end and snatched up the fallen pistol the crotch cradling thug was holding prior to the fight. [color=green]"Give back the case, pest!"[/color] The man yelled before immediately firing off three shots from the pistol against the wall climbing hero as Bob clipped the case to his person. Bob dodged away from the attack but of the three fired, one hit the hero while the others harmlessly hit the wall he was on prior. The bullet would have hit Bob square in the ribs but with a bright flash of light, the flattened bullet fell harmlessly off his clothes and onto the floor. [color=green]"A shield? You cowardly shit!"[/color] "Oh my God it worked perfectly!" The sudden excited outburst caught Bucur and the thugs' attention and to focus on Manny. The sudden shift in attention caused the young man to dodge behind a sofa that got promptly got riddled with bullets. Miraculously, Bucur missed all his shots and not even the drugged out VIP was hit by the bullets. Bucur angrily threw the gun at the sofa Manny was hiding behind...which did far better than all of his shots as it actually hit Manny's helmet as he peeked out of cover to make a quip. "Man you suck at shooti-Ow! That hurt you asshat!" Down in the dance floor... Talia's lacerations did their job with vicious efficiency as the bladed end of the ribbon cut deeply into the thug's wrist and pulled him back into the crowd and away from Talia and Link. Blood squirted out of the deep wound in rhythm to the thug's heartbeat. The sheer sight of blood squirting out of his injury caused the thug to begin panicking. [b]"Argh! FuckfuckfuckFUCK!"[/b] The thug muttered like a mantra while trying his best to staunch the bleeding. When Link hit the floor and the thug that tackled him was trying to properly grapple him in preparation to give the hero a pummeling of a lifetime, three gunshots cut through the blaring music and caused all of the party goers to flinch and wonder what was going on. A number of gunshots answered their collective wonder and panic erupted from the dance floor. Dozens upon dozens of bodies began pushing, shoving, and running for the nearest escape route as they quickly realized that someone was shooting a gun in the nightclub. In the confusion of the stampeding crowd, Link easily got a hit on his attacker and lodged his finger spike deep into the soft tissue of the thug until he felt the shoulder blade causing the thug to immediately jump off Link and got promptly pushed away from both Talia and Link. But as the chaos settled down, only the two heroes were the only ones left on the dance floor...well them and the three new thugs that entered the club proper after hearing the shots and wading through the panicked crowd. [b]"Ah damn it. Heroes are attacking again! Guys, dust up if you have any Diamond Dust on you; that's the only chance we got against these freaks!"[/b] A thug said to his fellow thugs before pulling out his pistol and firing blindly at both the prone form of Link and to Talia. Hoping that he'd drive the two heroes into hiding while his buddies got dusted up enough to get an upper hand against their attackers.