[hr][hr] [center][h1]ACT ONE[/h1][/center][center]_____________________________________________________[/center][center][h2]TO KILL AN EMPEROR[/h2][/center] [center][b]The Fifteenth Day of the Month of the Moth, Wan Yue, 404 Imperial Era[/b][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/06V9DXe.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent]As the first of the fireworks erupted over Bianwei cheers rang out across the capital. Though the sun had set one bell ago this was just the beginning of [url= https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v5B4e79bmCs]Wan Yue[/url], the celebration of the harvest season and the welcoming of the coming winter. The streets were filled with Folk, Honfokun, Zauri, and even the odd native Mokeu who looked to join in the nights’ festivities; to dance, sing, eat, drink, and revel until the first light of the next day. Merchants and peddlers crowded the streets and alleyways hawking both local and exotic goods. Children ran about trailing pinwheels overhead and fawning over toys and trinkets on vendor tables. Performers of all vocations took to the squares and balconies to entertain the masses with music, mysticism, and acrobatics. The air was thick with many drifting aromas including the the feint scent of black powder from above. The wondrous cacophony of sounds filled the souls of all within the capital and seemed to uplift all of Bianwei noble and commoner alike who now joined hands in merriment. [b]- -[/b] Imperial Regent [url= https://i.imgur.com/zWF3lsJ.jpg]Jia Chong[/url] stood at the foot of the Ruby Palace, the grand stairs behind him like the ascent of a mountain. At his sides stood a manservant and one his favorite courtesans and at his back four of the Imperial Guard. Even in times of such jubilance after all one could not be too caring, especially a man of the state such as he. Jia Chong casually glanced up as another cluster of explosions erupted and captivated the masses, twinkling sparkles raining down like falling stars. A short smile etched across Jia Chongs’ face as he took in the scene before him, Wan Yue was among his favorite times of the year - perhaps even [i]the[/i] favorite. He was looking forward to the night to be had, both in the city and in the splendor of the Ruby Palace. But first there was one last duty of the day he was to fulfill. The Regent felt a tug at his sleeve and looked to meet the large almond eyes of his courtesan, “When will His Majesty come?” Her melodious voice cut through the entropy of a thousand sounds and was like silk gently sliding around Jia Chongs’ ears. “Soon,” the Regent smiled, “Emperor Xiao Shang still readies himself. The successor to Xiao Hui will soon enough be present before us.” “I have never seen him so close.” “This night you will.” Jia Chong’s smile widened. At four bells after sunset every year the Emperor was to make an address at Wan Yue. He would stand atop a great platform, like the one now perched in the square before the Ruby Palace, and bless the gathered masses with his words of welcome and wisdom. Every street stone, window, and balcony would be crowded as the people gathered to behold their esteemed leader and hear him speak. With the end of the address the Emperor would then return to the palace and the rest of the night would be one of revelry and fun to be had. Of course it needed not be forgotten that there was more to Wan Yue than just the pomp and boisterousness of the yearly festival. It was a time of kinship and for the coming together of family and community. It symbolized the unity of the Eternal Empire and all of it’s subjects as the final moons came to rise on the year. Jia Chong took the courtesan by the arm and motioned for his servant and steely eyed escorts to follow along. He half hoped for a taste of the festivity before making his final act of state for the evening but unfortunately there were no food or spirits vendors nearby - not even a table to grab a trinket for his companion. [i]Fret not,[/i] he thought to himself [i]soon enough.[/i] The seven approached the large platform which was painted red and built of sturdy cypress wood. They did not ascend the short stairs but merely stood nearby where they would await for the Emperor to arrive. First the great gong at the front of the palace would be rung and the word would spread that the Emperor was coming forth from the palace. The Regent was then to announce the Emperor upon his arrival and then His Majesty would speak forth. Jia Chong pulled his female companion closer as his mind whirled. So much preparation had he put into this years’ festival and he was quite proud of what he beheld. He remembered how honored he had been when Emperor Xiao Shang appointed him as this years’ Overseer of Ceremonies - a responsibility he had taken very seriously. Jia Chong had taken months to organize and spent a hefty sum of coin to ensure that this Wan Yue would be one to remember. [i]His Majesty will be quite pleased.[/i] Jia Chong beamed to himself, nothing could go wrong. "Once this... address is done, the night is ours?" Jia Chong's consort asked. "Yes," the Regent said, his smile now reaching his narrow cheekbones, "though I cannot do without some rest tonight. I do have a number of affairs to oversee tomorrow, as Regent you see." "Other than the matter of uncluttering." Jia Chong looked sideways at the woman who now grinned mischievously. Despite her sour jest the Regent refused to let the unwelcome concept of spending tomorrow returning order and efficiency dampen this night. He had worked hard to make this a joyous occasion and that it would be. Jia Chong kept the woman close in his embrace though found himself looking to the palace doors above longingly. He imagined it to be just short of two bells past sunset now, which still meant some time until His Majesty would venture forth. It was not just his own amusement that the Regent was eager to take to, he had been anxious since the day before to stand before the Emperor and bear witness to his reception as His Majesty bore witness to the fruits of his efforts. Seeing the approving and jovial eyes of Emperor Xiao Shang would be in itself a reward. [i]Patience is a virtue.[/i] he thought, and so the Regent and his retinue stood to wait.[/indent][/indent][/indent]