Location: Alavaris Cathedral [@Psyker Landshark][@Asuras][@Erode][@VitaVitaAR][@Click This][@Pyromania99] [hr] As commanded, the spectral shades would leap from the wall, heading out into the darkness, swiftly flying past the skeletal undead that were engaged in a seemingly unceasing melee with each other as steel severed bone, only for the bone to reform and assault its attacker to repeat the process. Dragan’s small horde could react faster…but they still lacked numbers as occasionally one would fall in the melee, bones crushed into the earth in their battle. Giselle’s marksmanship proved somewhat effective. Normal bullets could only do so much to an undead. Even were its skull cracked it wouldn’t immediately die, but they did at least, offer some manner of deterrent and aid, allowing the horde of Dragan’s undead to have a much easier time, taking advantage of openings she created. They would not have to wait long, for this supposed skeletal beast would soon show itself. Some distance away, looming over the city, towering above the remaining houses stood a massive skeletal creature. The very same Akyasha saw earlier, though now they could get a much better look at it. Ancient, tarnished armor rested on its chest, its heavy footfalls leading it ever closer, slowly towards the gatehouse and the vampires. But no silver blade. No, its hands were empty, but then, where was it? It would not take long for the massive skeletal creature to reach the gate, and the vampires watching could see beneath its feet now, what seemed to be a humanoid dressed in armor that seemed quite similar to the giant skeleton advancing towards them in time with it. The horde of undead below were growing numerous, too, and thicker as some would break off from the group and start looking for other ways up to the vampires on the gate. Akyasha would be pleased to see both her bats return swiftly. A chittering reply from both in an ancient, ethereal tongue that only clerics could understand. [color=#B22222][i]“Two. Humans. Leaving. Small caverns in the slums lead outside.”[/i][/color] [color=#B22222][i]“Armored creature. Silver sword. Possessed. Coming this way.”[/i][/color] They’d both light on her shoulder, chittering in a mildly annoyed seeming fashion. [color=#B22222][i]“Hungry.”[/i][/color] [color=#B22222][i]“Feed.”[/i][/color] Seemed like they wanted some food.