[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220421/e3210451b4acd292b424c43e0df4432e.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] Eila could not help but hear her mother's voice chide her in her typical 'polite-yet-firm' tone. Cerric knew more than she had anticipated. She was still surprised by it, though made an effort not to show that too much. Father always said that connections were everything in this world, so she supposed in the worst-case scenario she'd make a valuable hostage instead of getting her throat sliced right away. What a pleasantly discomforting thought! Oh, she really needed to stop worrying so much, if she was going to be more stiff, they'd confuse her with a wooden plank! Fortunately, Cerric concluded she was the most reputable of the bunch. While she was humbled, it was a touch concerning--what did that say about the rest of their motley crew? She put those thoughts to rest as Aleka spoke. Most of what was said were things Eila anticipated. It was a relief; not too much surprise was a good thing. Unfortunately (or fortunately? Eila really couldn't get a reading on him) Cerric decided Aleka's clear-cut no-nonsense directness was boring. And he compared it to a book negatively! For that alone, Eila could not bring herself to trust him fully. Books were wonderful! At the end of it all, her inner student was still alive and well as she raised a hand. [color=palegreen]"That the Bounty House would house so many requests would mean that there may be some...less-than-ideal requests in the mix disguised as virtuous, no?"[/color] She asked. [color=palegreen]"Is it best to report these to you?"[/color] [/indent][hr][hr]