[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xYNz5Y2DKS83pKct9KXUY-PvT56r7LfcBYOL5o7bjPM/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/210424/1aacb67ba4eb5c934f204d6669b28a48.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=CornflowerBlue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Kobra Facility, New Mexico [color=CornflowerBlue][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] The Team[/center][hr] Alisa stepped through the rubble after Mirage and Zach. For a moment, it was eerily silent in the facility. Then she heard footsteps. She noticed them a split second before everybody else, whipping her head around to see where they might be coming from, but they were coming from [i]everywhere[/i]. She didn’t have any time to shout a warning before they were on them, coming at them from all sides. A tremor of panic ran through her before she started swinging. Six of them managed to corner her, pushing her away from the group. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the same thing going on with every single other member of her team still stuck in the fight. This was planned, wasn’t it? The soldiers seemed to be relying on her confusion, on their advantage with the goggles, but they knew nothing. She could see. Alisa punched and kicked wildly, simply trying to do as much damage as possible. It… kind of worked. She managed to clock one opponent in the temple, sending him sprawling onto the ground. There were several shouts, and then they started shooting at her. Bullets pinged off her torso, shredding through her suit… but not her skin. She gave a shout of pain and shock as a few embedded themselves in her shoulders and torso. She felt one shred through the coating on her face, embedding itself in her scalp. That fucking [i]hurt[/i]. She had never been shot before! The soldiers seemed… very surprised at the noise of bullets pinging off of steel and at the fact that Alisa wasn’t dead and stopped shooting. [color=cornflowerblue]“Well, now I’m mad,”[/color] she shouted, sounding genuinely peeved, and ran forward. Just then, a strong light emerged from nearby, blinding both the soldiers and Alisa. She blinked (something she normally didn’t do) as her vision spotted and came into focus again. That had been Kassy, right? She met the other girl's eyes across the room and gave her a thumbs up before grabbing one of the soldiers by the forearms and flinging him bodily into a shelf.