Later that afternoon, the Hermes Cabin had assembled at the arena - well, the Hermes Cabin and Kitty. Luke was one of the best swordsmen that Chiron had seen in years, meaning that he would be running this session. Ordinarily, Luke would have straw dummies out for everyone to practice hacking away at, as he called out different blows and blocks he wanted each sword fighter to perform. Then at the end, he'd let people do some 1v1's. But today, he clearly had something different in mind. [color=fdc68a]"Holy shit..."[/color] Lorna murmured, her eyes going wide with amazement. She didn't know how Luke had pulled it off, but the arena had been transformed into an elaborate obstacle course. There were sections where you would have to hop from stone to stone, to avoid falling into what looked ominously like lava. In other places, straw dummies dangled like punching bags, swaying from side to side. There were balance beams and hurdles and more that Lorna just wasn't able to take in all at once. "Alright, campers!" Luke shouted, calling over everyone's attention. "Today, you'll be running the obstacle course with your swords in hand. If you drop your sword, you're out. The first four campers to finish the course get one of these," Luke paused, pointing towards four overstuffed bags from the camp store, no doubt filled with candy and other goodies. "Oh, and I'll be coming around and fighting you at varying points," he added, chuckling slightly, "just to make things challenging."