"Hmmm, Humans leaving and Armored creature, silver sword, possessed, coming this way." The Cleric had to ponder for a small time. She quickly made her way closer to her companions. "Fellows, I bring word from the skies above the city." Akyasha then delivered the message verbatim, though as well as one could do such a thing with a translated sentence. [color=#B22222]“Two. Humans. Leaving. Small caverns in the slums lead outside.”[/color] [color=#B22222]“Armored creature. Silver sword. Possessed. Coming this way.”[/color] Smiling after delivering the statement, the Cleric pet her adorable little Gorebats. They would definitely need to be fed here soon. "I ponder then, perhaps, where might the silver sword be? This behemoth hiding it? Another one approaching? Or is it perhaps our human friends have stolen it and made escape through caverns in the slums?" Akyasha couldn't help a small, giddy laugh. "I relish the the truth of the matter." She added, smiling. Her next words were quite obviously directed towards Giselle and her slightly ponderous look in the Clerics direction. "Had we more strength, we'd not need let them come in force against these gates. Alas, I've yet the ability to bring forth the Matriarchs again. A pity, but we must make due with what we have. So long as we drive them back, I'm quite sure the Goddess blesses our actions. Though, I'd prefer not to have anything damaged in the first place if possible." A small plea, if anything, carried in her voice.