"there's definitely something about this place that makes one feel comfortable, so I don't blame him right now" Kay replied to Serena's initial remark. "As for what else you've missed? Don't think anything else, the whole morning was taken up with John and the other two figuring out the tracking issue and what to do to stop it." She explained, "haven't even had a chance to sort out some breakfast yet" she softly half chuckled. Fia kept focusing on trying to keep some kind of control on John's injuries, but she knew this was even out of her expertise. "You're gonna be okay dad... we're almost back" she spoke to him, trying to keep the panic out of her voice at the same time. It took another couple of minutes before Chas pulled up to the mill House and honked the horn to alert those inside. Fia and Chas both helped John out of the car, Chas taking most of John's weight whilst Fia ran to the door, opening it and holding it open for Chas and John.