[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RCpCctV.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210420/7161bf858c241d15cf7be40b1adcab9d.png[/img][/center] As soon as they entered the secret hideout, they were ambushed by a bunch of people in the dark. Zach was well… he was a little worried… He could throw magic at these losers for while, but physical fighting was not his forte at all. To be honest, Zach wasn’t doing that well. With all if these opponents, he had a hard time focusing on casting a decent spell. It was all he could do just to distract and hold them off. He was taking hit after hit. [color=darkviolet]“Neercsekoms!”[/color] Zach shouted. He was surrounded by a plume of smoke, and took advantage of the distraction to get away from these people. He made a call on the comms, out of breath. [color=darkviolet]“Hey guys… I know the rest of you are really good with this fighting stuff… but… uh… I’m not… Could someone get these losers off my back so I can focus on actually damaging these idiots.”[/color] The smoke cleared, and Zach saw he was surrounded.