After being dismissed by His Highness and heading into the reception room, Henri leaned and whispered to Matilda as she reached the door. "[color=fdc68a][i]Please introduce me to them in my stead, I have things to obtain first.[/i][/color]" He then proceeded to walk in a different direction than the rest. From this action, it would not be wrong to guess that Henri doesn't exactly approve of this team, possibly going so far as to believing that he could do this task on his own. Yet, he also knew that he wasn't exactly outward with his abilities, and wasn't even considered for this task until he personally asked for it. It might be too early to have notions of splitting away from them just yet. [hr] In front of the door of the Royal Mage's office. He knocks. "[color=fdc68a]It's Henri. I need spells.[/color]" Quite the curt request.