[@Bright_Ops][@Minvix][@Marmalised Junk] Elizabeth almost narrowed her eyes at Nos again. She did give a single nod, though. She just barely kept herself from sighing. "Very well, dear brother." The princess would watch him leave. The last of the guests would arrive soon enough. She would be asked to dance multiple times, and with each request, she would politely decline. The princess was in no such mood. However, Elizabeth did not wish to offend the guests and so she would find whatever excuse, or reason, that she could to decline any requests to dance. The search for her father would begin soon enough. The young woman would keep a close eye on her siblings for the time being, though. One may never know what could happen, or so she thought at that moment. "Hopefully things go according to plan. We cannot afford any mishaps." Quietly speaking her thoughts out loud, the princess began to explore the ballroom a bit. She and her siblings had since parted ways apparently, after all. She had guards keep an eye on the sparring siblings and even put an end to it if it came down to it. Elizabeth wished they would not take so many risks like that. Doing so was one such reason why they were among the least popular in the royal family, according to what she has been told by citizens and servants. "Where is father?" Stating that question out loud, but mainly to herself, Elizabeth gave the room another sweep with her eyes. Suitors had soon started to approach, but she managed to avoid them all, one by one. She was not in the mood for fake smiles and handshakes at the moment either. The princess was worried, very worried, and for good reason. Elizabeth could only hope things stayed on track, that nothing went against their plans that night, hers... and her father's even.