[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img] Word Count: 2275 (+3 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]2[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 56/20 [b]Location[/b]: The Land of Adventure - Twilight Town[/center] When the crowd of people quieted down and the introductions began, Pit paid very close attention to each and every one. In the past, he would rely on the Goddess he served to give him information about the foes he faced, or the allies he fought with. She held vast knowledge not only their own universe, but those beyond. She even mentioned once she had access to an "arch-villain database," so her information was not limited to high profile heroes. Now though, he was flying solo. [i]Well not exactly flying, but the point stands![/i] So in lieu of Palutena's guidance, he concentrated on what the Seekers chose to say about themselves. This way while they were in the field, he could better fight alongside them. One of the first to speak was 'Big Band,' an total stranger and definitely a heavyweight. The man just exuded cool - after all there was almost no way to make a cyborg detective sound lame. He didn't go into the 'twist of fortune,' but Pit hoped it was something awesome and not, well, awful. He also hoped that the two of them would get along, even if Pit wasn't yet mature enough to develop a taste for free-form jazz. Following him was a duo, and something about them struck Pit as familiar. His brows scrunched together in thought as Tora went on, and then the light-bulb went off over his head. [i]Oh, he's like Shulk's friend! Uh, what was his name again? Ricky? Something like that![/i] Pit was patting himself on the back that he managed to recall another Nopon, and because of that he already felt closer to Tora. Plus, his skills as an inventor were amazing if he was able to build a robot as advanced as Poppi. Speaking of which, Poppi said something that caught Pit's ear in a big way. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"You can transform?"[/color] the angel asked with sparkles in his eyes. He couldn't wait to see what her other modes looked like. He pictured her offensive mode as some kind of robo-ninja with blade extensions all over, and her evasive mode with wheels and jet thrusters. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"That's so cool!"[/color] Next up was Ms. Fortune, who he'd met earlier that morning at Smash City Alcamoth. He knew that her claims about splitting up and staying alive were nothing but truthful. He also saw her shoot a laser from her eye, so she was also on his "cool list" (which to be fair was not a great achievement, since most people Pit had met were on it). She also made plain her love of puns. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"...Oh! I get it now. 'Peach-Pit.'"[/color] He said, seemingly out of the blue. That was a terrible joke! The angel grinned all the same though, as it was something he could picture Lady Palutena saying during one of her pieces of advice. The next to go was a boy named Raz, who followed up his multitude of questions with a ton of information about himself and his organization. All of which Pit boiled down to one thing: he was psychic. Pit crossed his arms and nodded as if he perfectly understood everything Raz was saying. Psychics were strong, he knew from experience. Plus the way they floated around and used their PK moves made them hard to catch, which seemed to apply to Raz as well. The Psycho-Portal was new though. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I always wondered what it looked like inside my own head!"[/color] Pit was not as starstruck as Junior when it came time for Wonder Red to introduce himself, but only because he has technically already met the hero before. It had been when the Virgin Victory first made contact. The meeting following their return to Alcamoth wasn't the most pleasant, but it didn't put any damper on Pit's feelings on the man. He was a bonafide superhero with a whole super team, so he was pretty cool in Pit's book. It was pretty amazing that their group had both robots [i]and[/i] superheroes. Something about the next to go up seemed familiar to Pit as well, as it had with Tora earlier. It wasn't just that Roxas shared his spiky blonde hair and dark outfit with another Smasher, there was something else he couldn't put his finger on. Maybe he'd been on the list of invitees for the latest tournament before Galeem ruined everything? Or maybe he just had one of those faces? [i]Well whatever![/i] he thought, dismissing the feeling, [i]Looks like he's got his own reasons to join. Maybe once he gets de-Galeemified I can ask if he ever got one of those invitation letters.[/i] Primrose's charm had not real effect on the angel, besides that his face turned slightly red at the display. [i]She seems like one of those... uh, what are they called... femme fatals?[/i] Basically, a seductress. Without some serious magic Pit was confident nothing like that would work on him, but Primrose was an ally anyway. She claimed to be a mage, but she looked physically strong too. In contrast the man that went after her (who wasn't much taller than Pit himself) did not look too strong nor magically inclined. Instead, he was a rogue archetype. It was hard to tell if they were a duo or not, but with their skill sets they probably worked well together either way. Moving on, the next was the Ace Cadet. It was a pretty neat title, but didn't it actually mean he was kind of low on the totem pole? Being a 'Cadet' and all. Pit grinned to himself and puffed up his chest proudly, since he technically outranked such a strong looking guy. It took a little while into Midna's introduction for Pit to recognize her. She'd definitely been to a few tourneys, participating as an assist fighter. She looked pretty different now, the result of a lot of spirit fusions no doubt. It seemed like she had a bunch of abilities to show off besides that big hand she always flung people with. Once she was finished, Pit gave her a little wave of acknowledgement. Following her up was the Koopa Troop, whom along with Princess Peach the angel knew well. Ever since that battle against the Subspace Army and Tabuu, he'd been fighting against and alongside them since. He recalled a time that he'd been pretty nervous around Bowser before he realized the king was more kind-hearted then he let on. And more goofy too. The members of the mushroom kingdom denizens he knew the least about were Kamek and... Rika? For one, Pit had thought Kamek was male. Maybe she originally was? For second, Rika didn't fit the troop's aesthetic at all. He had met her earlier too, and was surprised to know she was part of the Troop. She went on to mention she had been part of the Abyssal fleet, which made sense. Seeing former enemies freed and fighting together with them was really encouraging. Sectonia, one of the weirder looking people among the group, made a lot of claims and showed off a lot of abilities. She was big, alien, and on top of being strong - [i]Space AND time? Isn't that pretty over powered?![/i] - she had the attitude of one of [i]those[/i] kinds of royals. More like a Dedede than a Daisy, then. The implication she made that she considered the other Seekers as her minions went right over Pit's head, and since he didn't see any of her 'minions' around he thought she might be as full of hot air as Dedede was too. After her were more robots, this one much more robotic looking than the others. Plus a healer to boot! He wondered if Blazermate and Poppi could combine, given they were both completely artificial. Or if Blazermate could transform into a new mode like her. The medabot mentioned that (pretty gross) shield, so this heavily armored version could be her defense mode! In comparison, the next robot girl looked more on the girl-side, like an in-between of Blazermate and Poppi but missing a lot of limbs. She was cute, in a doll sort of way. Once she starting going on about business Pit was beginning to get lost, not able to follow her words, but when she summoned her mech suit his eyes sparkled once again with interest. A tailor-made mech that she could just summon whenever she wanted? That was awesome. Next was Karin, and despite the disagreement back on the Tinkerslug Pit could tell that she was a good person. Somewhere deeeeeep down under her haughty words and self-importance. She was the type that Pit tended to bicker with, so he could only hope that she wouldn't hold it against him in the long run, as he wouldn't be holding it against her. As long as they were on the same side, he'd consider her an ally if not a friend. There was one thing, though. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Did she say ninja army?"[/color] The statement was made so casually that Pit almost didn't catch it. Having a whole army of ninjas would not only be super helpful, but also super awesome. Her friend Sakura did not boast the number of accomplishments that Karin did, but what she did mention was, honestly, impressive. Pit couldn't even read, so knowing two languages was cool. Plus [i]forty pounds of hotdogs?[/i] That beat his own record of most hotdogs eaten in one sitting. Sakura had clapped for a few other people, and so Pit returned the favor and gave her a round of applause. She seemed nervous, so hopefully it helped. And after that... [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"..."[/color] Geralt was a way better person than he seemed to think he was. It was still crazy that the man didn't seem to hold a grudge against Pit, true to his word. Pit still felt bad about what had happened between them, but if Geralt was putting it in the past then so would he. [i]Remember and be better,[/i] Pit had told Omori. He took his own words to heart. The angel hoped that if they worked together more, he would not feel as awkward around the Witcher, even if it took a while for it to happen. Once Geralt was finished there was another short lull before anyone else went up. [i]Should I go next?[/i] Pit thought to himself. For some reason it felt weird to do it right after Geralt, but... well, it didn't have to be weird if he didn't make it weird. So without further ado, Pit decided that he would be next up to the plate. Eagerly he hopped up onto the table before the crowd. He took a very deep calming breath to get out of the mindspace he'd put himself into. It took a second, but then he fixed a sunny smile onto his face and stood with his feet planted apart both of his fists resting on his hips and his wings spread out wide. He made himself look as tall as he could, which wasn't much considering that he appeared to be a fresh faced boy of about thirteen years of age. He sported a white tunic, leather leg and arm guards, and a golden laurel crown that sat on his fluffy brown hair. He was the very picture of a classical angel. His looks did not do his experience as a soldier justice, though Pit was happy to remind people of this. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"My turn! My name is Pit! I'm a proud servant of the Goddess of Light, Lady Palutena. I'm also the captain of her royal guard, and as you can see I'm an angel too!"[/color] For emphasis on that last bit, he flapped his wings dramatically. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I've been around the block a few times too, definitely saved the world more than once. Well my world anyway, and helped save some others kinda. Worlds... plural?"[/color] He didn't think much about how the three realms in his universe were all called "-world." Regardless, he continued. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I've got lots of fighting experience, including with a bunch of different weapons, but I'm best at long range. My light arrows can pull off stuff like this!"[/color] Pit didn't plan on doing any fancy display, but something came to mind that might be fun and informative. He summoned the Palutena Bow into his hand to show off the sleek gold and blue weapon, as he did the halos of light appeared around his wrist. He pulled back on some invisible, ethereal bowstring and shot the light arrow into the air where it proceeded to zig-zag and do a loop-the-loop before vanishing. He wasn't about to show off his entire arsenal, especially since he didn't have access to much of it still. That would have to be good enough. There was something else that he left out of his introduction, a weakness that he hoped wouldn't come up too much during the course of the Seekers' adventure: his flightlessness. It wasn't that he was ashamed of it, because he definitely [i]wasn't[/i], but... it just was something personal that didn't need to be brought up! Besides, plenty of his fellow Smashers already knew. Maybe. He did have Lady Palutena's help during the early tournaments. Once they found her in this world too, then she could lend them all her power - including the Power of Flight, so it didn't matter if he couldn't fly right now anyway. Or so he told himself. Satisfied, Pit turned his smile back on the group of Seekers. He dispelled the bow and pumped one fist into the air as he finished off his introduction. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Everyone I've already met, and everyone I'm meeting for the first time... it's good to be fighting with you! Galeem might have got the best of us the first time around, but we're gonna kick it's butt this time!"[/color]