[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GbJlmrW.png[/img][/center] [hr] Wings beat like a hurricane. Claws rent earth with every step. Teeth sundered flesh and dripped with rank. A torrent of fire and brimstone spewed forth, bathing her in blazing hatred. A roar of true defiance, like thunder. But hers was the hunter's howl. The promise of true slaughter. Her old enemy, born anew. [abbr=In Wyn’s original world, this was their word for dragon.]Drakhorey[/abbr] Wings snapped. Claws broke. Teeth shattered. She peeled the scales, she broke the spikes, she mauled and slaughtered and defaced and defiled until naught remained but gore and corpses. For it was Drakhorey. The hated spawn. [hr] Wyn stood and overlooked the blood stained land. It was not the Mire she walked through but it had been a hatching ground for that flying scourge she loathed so. She glowered at the memories. Bloody diamonds, defacements, challenges…Love. No. She laughed. That had only been lust for life. Something cracked underfoot. Warmth flooded her senses and she became aware that it had not been a drak’s blood but an egg. Even now, she could see them growing and beating with blood in their small fragile hearts. Fragility in such a state, curled up and asleep as they grew unmolested by the world. What did they dream? She hated them but that hate could serve a useful purpose. She picked up an egg and studied it, divining what little she could. She held it close to her mouth and licked the shell. The taste of eggshell was unsavory. Coarse, riddled with pockets and dirt. So warm though. She flung it on the ground and watched as the small thing, now a hatchling, struggled before it passed. So feeble were their young that Wyn could hardly believe just how dangerous they would become. Even as the wind whipped through her hair and the smell of brimstone permeated her senses, Wyn’s laugh cut through all. She would make them strong. She would make them infallible. She would make them worthy. Thus the Goddess cut herself with a long fingernail, spewing forth the vivacious liquid of her divine blood. It was as ebony coals, black as night upon her pale skin. She drippled it upon unhatched eggs to instant effects. It seeped in, permeating the membrane, corrupting the fluids and the yokes, seething itself into their veins. There came a vicious ripping and tearing sound as they exploded in growth whilst her blood worked deep. Eggs hatched with vigor, spewing forth beasts of charcoal scales and jagged spikes. They grew further, wings shriveling and falling off, claws expanding, tails flooding with spikes. Teeth became a dark red, whilst their eyes became small and diminutive. Malice took root in their hearts, a lust for only instinct and misery. They would have turned upon her in an instant but Wyn was already gone. Her work had been completed. She had fixed any future drakhorey problem by creating a natural rival. Creature’s fit only for the fun they might bring them. Why fly when you could climb? Why run when you would be hunted? Why exist when your cousins would supplant you? She snickered. For the Drak Beast would see her work continued for all time. [hr] [hider=Summary] Quick post from me to get rid of covid brain fog (sorry if it’s bad). Wyn murders some dragons cause she hates dragons and then makes a dragon killing species before peacing out. [/hider] [hider=MP] TURN 3 1MP/5AP -3AP to modify/devolve/subspecie Dragons into the Drak Beasts. Made of charcoal scales upon immense bulk, built for dragon fighting and composed of a general contempt and madness that hates all life; the Drak Beast is a creation by Ebony as a gift to the world to deal with dragons. They lack any sort of greater intelligence that would denote sapience. They are pack hunters, usually living in familial groups of twenty to thirty. They breed quickly and have a voracious appetite. Extremely ferocious fighters, usually rather dying in battle than fleeing to fight another day. They have no wings but are excellent climbers despite their bulk. Beware their breath, for such fire is almost entirely black. They shed scales like a dog shedding fur and such scales would be useful for armor and other purposes. -1MP to curse the Drak Beast’s with unending savagery. They will fight till the death even when defeated. Their blood could be used as a powerful rage inducer if consumed. 0MP/2AP [/hider]