Henri's eyebrow raised as he saw Antigone's face. It's like she hasn't slept for a week. "[color=fdc68a]Antigone... I mean Duche-- Egh, I'm not used to formalities. I'm sorry.[/color]" Henri enters and takes the seat, cautious to not hit anything in this narrow space for he wouldn't be able to feel something break until it's too late. "[color=fdc68a]I would like to borrow a book with as many spells in it as possible... so as to not be a burden to the rest.[/color]" If it's her, then she most likely knows this mission of theirs even if kept in utmost secrecy. "[color=fdc68a]I'd ask whether you augured our success but you look like you've already done far too much auguring. If only I'm in a position to order you to take a rest...[/color]"