The energy that surged through Riku's new form was incredible. He felt like he could take on the world. Or, at the very least, a weird-looking dragon monster. He cracked a lopsided grin. [i]"Fair suck of the sav! The hell is this? I thought I was s'posed to be in control of this body?"[/i] Bruce's voice was in his head, and he sounded both surprised and angry. He let out a frustrated huff. [i]"The hell with it. We're in this blue whether we like it or not. How 'bout we teach this bounce a lesson, eh?"[/i] [i]Wait, so you only offered to help me because you wanted my body?[/i] Riku thought. He sounded offended, bordering on disgusted. [i]"Cripes, no! You might know how I can get back home. If you up and drop dead, there go any chances for me to get back to the Digital World."[/i] [i]Digital World?[/i] [i]"Best getcher head in the game, mate. Groundramon ain't gonna be nice and wait for you."[/i]