[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zdSc0rY.png[/img] [color=2B822F]Time:[/color] 11AM [color=2B822F]Location: [/color] Inside Caesonia Castle then outside [color=2B822F]Interaction: [@Potter]Ezra,[@Rodiak] Mattias[/color] [color=2B822F]Mention: [/color] [color=2B822F]Attire:[/color][url=https://litb-cgis.rightinthebox.com/images/640x853/202106/bps/product/inc/jfqhkv1624934883758.jpg?fmt=webp&v=1] ’nice clothing’[/url] [/center] [hr][hr] Verrick sighed as he walked off, passing Mathias as he did, All he did was grunt appreciation when he patted his good shoulder. He then added in passing. [color=2B822F]”Goodluck against Thea.” [/color] He knew Thea was a talented shot. Having taught her a few things during his time serving in her family's land. He walked over to the main table and looked at the other bows, deciding to grab one that didn’t look as warped as his previous one. He looked over to Princess sadie, noticing the first contestant saying something. Despite being able to read lips, he didn’t catch what he said as he walked away. His eyes flicked towards the princess to catch her frowning, though he didn’t see the tears.But he could tell that ezra had said something rude to her. His eyes narrowed as they turned back to Ezra. His knuckles cracking simply by tightening on the bow he gripped. Too bad there were so many people here…he might have shot the man in the knee right there. He would have to talk to the guards to remind them to not let anyone simply walk up to her, at least be close enough to hear the conversation. He spent the rest of the time rotating his arm to loosen it up while dulling his senses to the constant pain. Noting but mostly ignoring the flashy archer while he did his bit. When it turned to Mathia’s and Thea’s turn. He could tell Mathias was nervous, was it because of that girl who called out to him? Sadly did not win the match, Lukas would be sad for sure. He simply clapped his hands a few times for the both of them before walking onto the range once more, switching back the bow to his left hand. He would deal with the pain if it meant more consistent shots. Again he pulled four arrows from his quiver, each end of the shaft between one of his fingers. This time he took a moment or so longer with each shot, his first three in a tight grouping despite two in the bullseye, and one in the 7 point ring they were within still a fist sized area. The fourth shot got away from him and hit the five point ring. If Ezra attempted to speak to him, he was completely ignored. When it became his second turn, he Quickly fired all his arrows again, his grouping again smaller than a fist, though slightly off centered to get two in the bullseye, and two in the 7 point ring. Lowering his bow once more he waited for Ezra to finish before saying softly enough that no one would hear them, while still looking at the targets. [color=2B822F]“If you ever disrespect or even speak to Princess Sadie again…”[/color] He looked towards him and away from the crowd, with a glare that showed his murderous intent. Leaning closer to him.[color=2B822F] “I can make it so even dogs won't be able to find your body.” [/color]He said with a stone expression before clapping him on the shoulder with his left hand, as if congratulating him on a fair attempt before walking off the field.