Cedar's face seemed to become rather sad and withdrawn. "[color=7bcdc8]Aww... Dat's a shame... Lotsa people seems ta think critters is just simple things as just does whatever likes they don' gots feelin's nor wants, nor dreams a dere own or nuthin... But they does.. They does... [/color]" His expression became a little sterner, and cheekier shortly after though. "[color=7bcdc8]People's a diffren' story though. Lots a people is right assholes at gots 'der heads jammed up betwix der damn legs, smellin' there own farts all day. I's has had ta deal with more an' muh fair share o-em muhself, but is usually them darn logger fellas as thinks I's dumb or summat. Might be young, but not born yest'rday-- thinkin theys can pull a fast-one on me. Paps says not to bean em in the head with muh stick, as that'd knock em dead as hell-- just wrap em up real good and remind em that we's aint playin' no games with em, and that they's needs ta stay on their side an' such...[/color]" He scratched his chin, and looked up at the ceiling again. "[color=7bcdc8]Though, I s'ppose em fellers 'd be willin' ta pay a person like yaself ta try an' do a feller like me in, now's I think about it....[/color]" He looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes, and a bit of a wry smirk. "[color=7bcdc8]If'n I's ya, I'd be a bit more keen on askin' questions, afore sayin' "yes" on some o' dem jobs people's wants done, if'n ya knows what I mean. I's can fuck a kid up what good, if'n they tryin' ta cut up muh hide--- A fair bit more dang'rous than yer normal bear, if'n ya gets muh drift.[/color]"