[@Omega Man] Here is my [u][b]mostly[/b][/u] complete CS. I still need to add a secondary character and I may add another story arc or two. I've left Artemis' family unnamed in the CS for dramatic effect. If you wish me to PM you on who they are I will do so gladly. Or if you think it is better/simpler for me to just include the names in the CS, I'll do that. Honestly, I think it is fairly obvious who the grandparents & parents are to those familiar with the comics. [hider=ARTEMIS][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lB6o5DY.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=00D41C]Name[/color] – Isabelle 'Izzy' Rose [color=00D41C]Alias[/color] – Artemis [color=00D41C]Age[/color] – 17 [color=00D41C]Personality[/color] – Abrasive, Disciplined, Independent, Secretive, Thievish [hr] [color=00D41C]Powers[/color] [u]N/A[/u] [color=00D41C]Skills[/color] [u]Acrobatics[/u] - Years of gymnastics training and a few years of cheerleading have made Isabelle agile, dexterous, and quite flexible. [u]Martial Arts[/u] - Trained by [color=red]mother[/color] and other instructors in various techniques such as Bare-Knuckle Boxing, Savate, and Jujitsu. [u]Archery Mastery[/u] - Trained with the crossbow. Gold medalist in archery with the bow and arrow. [u]Gadgetry[/u] - [color=red]Her mother[/color] trained Isabelle how to make specialty (trick) arrows, but she has yet to use any in the field. [u]Lock-Picking[/u] - Skilled with a lock-picking kit. [u]Enhanced Conditioning[/u] - Isabelle has the conditioning of a young Olympic athlete. [color=00D41C]Weaknesses[/color] [u]Mostly Human[/u] - Isabelle has the same vulnerabilities as the average human. [u]No License[/u] - Isabelle is a wild driver and has yet to pass her Driving Test. [u]Sleight of Hand[/u] - Izzy is a bit of a thief. She may pocket things here and there that catch her eye. [u]Family[/u] - Isabelle's parents and grandparents are important to her, yet she keeps their identities secret (for as long as possible) from her teammates. [sub](The JSA Mentors [be it all or some] would know Isabelle's family tree. Starman may or may not know depending on his JSA knowledge.)[/sub] [hr][hider=Izzy (for those who like to use RL references][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Jn7Uzfe.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][hr] [color=00D41C]Golden Age Legacy[/color] - [color=red]Grandmother[/color], Wildcat [color=00D41C]Experience[/color] – Training 12 years; Martial Arts Competition 8 years; Fighting Criminals 3 months [color=00D41C]BRIEF Bio[/color] Isabelle Rose was born into a complicated family. In many ways, her family pushed her to be the best she could be. Though they could not afford to send Isabelle to a private school, they did make sure she received a good education and got any help she needed to understand her school work and make good grades. They also pushed her to be the best she could be physically as well. She began taking gymnastics when she was three years old. She started martial arts training at five years old. And, she got into archery at the age of seven. Though her parents held mainly settled down after the birth of Isabelle, they weren't the saintly people they pretended to be among outsiders. Her parents had been supervillains as their parents had been before them. Her grandparents had fought against the JSA and the Young All-Stars while her parents had fought later iterations of the team and the second generation of Society members. Isabelle's father would return to his criminal ways and later be imprisoned five years ago. Isabelle's mother would also return to her old ways two years ago and is currently out on parole. Some time ago before her death, Isabelle's grandmother wrote a letter to her long-time rival Wildcat pleading for him to take Isabelle under with wing and make sure the girl did not end up following the same path as the previous generations of the family. The letter for some reason only recently was discovered and delivered to the legendary hero. [hr] [color=00D41C]Sample Story Arcs[/color] [u]The Midas Touch[/u] - Several Golden Age villains have seemingly been rejuvenated, and possibly, resurrected! Artemis is weirded out when [color=red]her grandparents[/color] show up as villains not much older than she is now. Has someone found the Fountain of Youth? Or is there something else going on? [u]Reflections[/u] - The JSA battle against their Earth-3 counterparts! Turns out, Artemis and her double are not so different. [hr] [color=00D41C]Additional Notes[/color] Though Artemis is obviously not an original member of the JSA, her grandmother was a Young All-Stars member (retconned) before turning to a life of crime. It may be obvious to those familiar with the series that this character's background is heavily influenced (ripped off?) by the Young Justice animated series. Let me clarify that my version is also based somewhat on the comics. My character is a character that appeared in the comics pre-New 52, yet only appeared as an infant. [hr] [color=00D41C]Secondary Character[/color] - [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedy_(Mia_Dearden)]Mia Dearden[/url][/hider]