Fujiko stood at what she imagined would be the outskirts of the central part of the city considering it seemed to erupt in a maze of alleyway if you ventured any further, yet that did not stop the crowds tonight. Wandering vendors seemed to travel around her, ducking in and out of alleyways. She wondered how they possibly made it through the groups of people seeming to try and find some quiet to hear their conversations mirrored by drunken citizens stumbling around- laughing and singing at the top of their lungs. She was unsure how she felt about the chaotic display, on one hand the fireworks, performers and the sheer number of people that were here alone were impressive but the greatness of the crowd was near-nauseating. Many had to walk shoulder to shoulder and the scent of crisp Winter air was often replaced by the distinct scents of sweat and alcohol breath. Although Karitu did have its own festivities they never seemed to be as wild or crowded but that may just be her memory clouded by the rose-coloured glasses supplied by youth. She knew Tetruma would have loved this scene with all his pent energy and love of large gatherings. Fujiko gave a sigh and placed a hand on the hilt of [i]Otto Boyuja[/i], her katana. She picked up a small contract in the capital of Yongcun of which included the festival of Wen Yue. The coinage was good and the man hiring her enthusiastically told her to still enjoy the festival. [i]"Eat, drink, peruse, be merry! You'll likely just have to break up a couple of small fights and catch a couple of pickpockets!"[/i] he said. Fujiko was initially doubtful he'd meant the first half, yet the more she'd see a guard peruse the stalls or half drunkenly stumble by the more she was convinced. It wouldn't fly in Karitu, at least not in her father's cohort. No matter the event guards were expected to be professional and focused so seeing uniform guards wander so freely seemed off to Fujiko. Her eyes fluttered to the sky, filled with colourful explosions, perhaps she should try and let loose. The closer to the palace Fujiko came the stronger the scents of spices and oil became. Her mouth drooled at the scent of well seasoned food. Perhaps she should get herself something to eat. She walked over to a vender selling rice bejeweled with cubed fresh vegetables and egg. [color=limegreen]"Got any pork to add in it?"[/color] she asks, the vendor seeming to give her a sour face for only a second before fixing his demeanour to be more gentle. "Unfortunately not ma'am, I'm sure you can pick up some pork skewers further down and add it in," Fujiko shakes her head as she goes to her pouch for coin. She could never understand how the folk didn't favour meat in their food unless it were speared on a stick. Just as she had found her change she heard a yell from behind her and turned to see a drunken pair squaring up from a brawl. [color=limegreen]"I'll be back,"[/color] she sighs. The Honfo beelined for the two folk man who were already throwing fists. [color=limegreen]"Alright, break it up,"[/color] she snaps, only steps away from the men but awaiting to see if her voice would snap the pair out of their combativeness before she had to physically intervene. "Or what?" one of the men chuckles, throwing a punch at his rival, "You'll go tell your warrior husband? Shouldn't you be in the kitchen, [i]woman[/i]" he slurs. [color=limegreen]"That's it!"[/color] she snaps, grabbing the speaker by the collar and dragging him a few meters away before throwing him to the ground. He attempts to writhe out of Fujiko's grasp and punch her a few times but between Fujiko's dexterity and the man's fumbly drunken state she easily dodges his blows. [color=limegreen]"You, get out of here,"[/color] she instructs the other man sternly. He seems to want to say something before deciding against it and taking off in the opposite direction. Fujiko turns to the one on the ground. "What are you going to do, Hornhead?" he asks with a cheeky grin, "Bake me a pie," Fujiko squats down, maintaining stern eye contact with the man. [color=limegreen]"You better be careful, boy,"[/color] she growls, [color=limegreen]"Or the wrong Honfokun sword might end up in your face, may even be my pleasure some day. For now you are free to go, but next time I may not be so kind,"[/color] With that she saunters away, the man yelling insults at her but she didn't bother to reply, her point was made and men like that could not be reasoned with. Fujiko returns the vendor she met with earlier and hands him some coin, finally getting her long-awaited food.