[indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent] [CENTER]Image here [SUB][COLOR=cecece][b]N A M E " N I C K N A M E " S U R N A M E[/b] (some punks use their nickname in place of their surname... gotta earn that name) ◄ [color=995e63]AGE[/color] ▎ [color=995e63]HEIGHT[/color] ►[/COLOR][/SUB][/CENTER] [SUB][color=995e63][b]F A C E[/b][/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=bcbcbc] This section is for appearance description, notes on personality and behavior, or anything else you might think of that is related.[/color] [SUB][COLOR=995e63][b]R E C[/b][/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=bcbcbc] What've you done with your life? Anything worth talking about? This can be as detailed or as scant as you want and I recommend you add to this as your character continues their exploits. [/color] [SUB][COLOR=995e63][b]T R I V I A[/b][/COLOR][/SUB][hr][color=bcbcbc] Anything about your character or relation to other characters can go in here, can be group memberships, personal lore etc. [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] Check RAW top right if you need the code.