[h1][b][color=#dfc3a6]Luna Emeraltide[/color][/b][/h1] There was, perhaps, a pang of disappointment in Luna's expression when Fra detailed her lack of expertise in 'anything but being unseen'. It was not for a lack of usefulness -being able to skulk was surely a skill- but for her unsurety at Fra's sincerity. Just how much the thrall was being inconsolably humble, and how much was true... Luna would find out eventually. Her thoughts and feelings remained secreted from Fra, and Luna instead nodded with a hum. "Then keep within the cathedral," she paused, stepping outside and for the gatehouse, "I would ask that you not throw yourself into danger, as sacrifice or otherwise. Harrowing as things may yet turn, we would all appreciate if confidence were forefront on your mind, and not worry for our safety," she smiled. Luna left Fra within the sanctity of the cathedral before exiting to join her comrades. With no battle experience and a yet-exhausted spirit, the thrall would be more a burden than an asset. Though she drew her saber, Luna intended to remain at the rear of the formation. Newly rejuvenated, a burning in her chest begged to be let free into cold air. A welling song focused her senses, and she stepped to the edge of the gatehouse, and pressed her hands to her chest. The music started softly at first; a gentle hum in her throat as memory returned, and muse chimed. [i]"♫ Clouds and stars, steeds and coin... ♫"[/i] Luna was no necromancer -she could not raise the dead from coffins and graves like Dragan could. But her charms cared naught for origin, and an essence of necromancy was the captivation of something. And for that, she too could wrest control. Luna's song grew louder and louder, carrying itself across the developing battlefield. She made no attempt to take control from Dragan, or even from the necromancer that controlled the rest, but rather sought to weaken the hold that unseen enemy had on their own forces. For the Death Knight, the effort he would need to exert was lessened. More and more shambling undead would feel that much simpler to steal. And for those that he did not turn his hand upon, confusion and miscommunication would set in. [i]"♫ All turn in turn, in the dust of Dawn and Dusk ♫"[/i]