The formula I will be using and semi requesting that others use in this thread, I may revise it as time goes forward because I'm not particularly great at coding BBCode. [center][color=2e2c2c]▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇[/color] [sub][color=758186]Name Here[/color] [color=cecece]—[/color] [color=758186]Location[/color] [color=cecece]—[/color] [color=758186]Current or Past[/color] [color=cecece]—[/color] [Tags Here][/sub][/center][hr][color=778899] CONTENT HERE [/color] [hr][color=995e63][b]S u m m a r y[/b] POST SUMMARY HERE.[/color] [hr][color=99945e][b]L o r e[/b] LORE HERE [/color] See the raw top right