[h1] [CENTER]Galahad Quaid[/center][/h1] [hr] Galahad glanced at the demon Farfa as their guide attempted to cajole Galahad into taking matters into his own hand. Farfa’s false smile was returned with one from Galahad in kind. Broad, radiant, bright, fake. [COLOR=palegreen]"Oh, my dear Farfa,"[/color] Galahad chuckled as though he were chiding a child that had done a naughty thing, his tone sickly sweet and endearing. [COLOR=palegreen]"I wouldn’t dream of doing [i]your[/i] job! It's [i]your job[/i], after all."[/color] Tearing his attention away from the demon, Galahad regarded the two ogres that were now speaking to them. It appears one learned a new thing every day- He didn’t know ogres could talk, much less make coherent sentences. But it appeared the ogres were trying to extort them. Or at least the humans in their group- of which there were a few. For once, Galahad was almost glad of the fact that he had elven blood flowing through his veins. Would the ogres accept that? Who knew? They were ogres. Galahad was surprised they were able to comprehend the difference. Already some of the others were trying to sway the ogres to let them pass. Avoiding a fight was likely the best course of action, Galahad figured. No sense starting a fight with the guard before we enter their city- Galahad liked attention, but not that much attention. Galahad offered the ogres a disarming smile as he brushed away his hair to reveal the pointed tips of his ears. [COLOR=palegreen]"No human here,"[/color] Galahad said in a fake friendly tone, as he took a step in front of the small, blue haired woman, the weight of his covered lance shifting a bit on his shoulders. His eyes flitted from ogre to ogre. Ogres weren’t peaceful creatures to his knowledge. He didn’t think they’d attack without warning- probably, but being careful wasn’t a bad idea. [COLOR=palegreen]"We’re travelers, and the humans with us don’t carry much that would be of value in the city."[/color] Glancing over at the humans in question, Galahad regarded the crazy looking one, the hermit- or sage- or whatever he called himself. Galahad leaned towards the small blue haired human behind him. [color=palegreen]”Are we certain we need [i]everyone[/i] here?”[/color]