On the way out Yvonne collected the belongings she handed over earlier, finally feeling adequately protected with the weight of weapons in their holster. She had to modify her appearance a bit, removing the multicolored adornment to leave the hauberk plain. The riveted mail wasn't exactly a common thing due to how pricy it was, but still plentiful enough among the more well-off soldier and mercenary that it wouldn't draw much attention. The heirloom sword wasn't adorned much in the first place, wrapping some rag on the handle was enough to conceal it as a standard arming sword. Everything else can be find in any decently large armoury, thus was of no issue to wear in the open. Their de-facto leader brought them to one of the better inn in the city, pricy enough to bar the less savory (or the destitute) while still affordable enough to see plentiful traffic. Off to the side room she followed, past several gamblers toward the one that probably had more wealth staked than the rest of the room combined. There's a flash of furry ears and fluffy tail, but all it earned was a raised eyebrow from the mercenary. Far from her to point it out for no one's benefit. She had an inkling of what this man was worth to them, if it's even a man under the glamour. Yvonne wasn't unfamiliar with the type, always seems to have a pair of extra ears whenever something interesting occured. Jazdia's contact, then? For the most part Yvonne kept quiet, though upon the grand reveal she had to struggle from cracking a grin. Now that's a hedged deck if she ever saw one. Dunno how it's arranged, but the odds of just one good hand was rare enough - much less four in the same round, and right at the closing game with the highest stake? If someone tried something like that in a low-end tavern they'd get knifed within the hour. Sometimes right then and there, by the outraged players. Nothing that helped the investigation so far, but at least Yvonne got a new nickname for the elf. Sparky rings so much better than Blondie.