Dollar’s hand hovered over the baby-blue barrier as it shot into existence, lips slightly parted before coming together in a wry smile. She brought one finger to her lips, eyes sliding sideways to regard the Meathead Macedonian as he squared himself for a fight. [i]”Shhhhhh.”[/i] She rose slowly, hand fixed into position in front of her face. “The baby’s sleepin’,” she whispered, head slowly turning toward Alex as she stood. Dollar took slow, deliberate steps away from Yue’s unconscious form, placing her feet carefully where she wouldn’t disturb any of the rubble as she moved over toward Alex. “Kids need their rest, you know,” she teased, crossing her arms and circling just out of arm’s reach before coming to a stop on his opposite side. “That’s why I didn’t disturb your nap. You looked so cozy, all bundled up and warm.” [hr] Máire squinted at the spotlight fixing its gaze upon them, silver dust sliding across her eyes. She blinked, and her eyes adjusted to cut out the excess light. She got the distinct impression they weren’t the most welcome - an impression which was reinforced by another drone launching and taking aim at the shapeshifter. Máire looked between both drones and the shapeshifter, holding Rat more firmly in place before sending the two of them shooting further up the side of the wall. Swords manifested from her back, slicing cleanly through the air and forming a defensive circle around their third companion. The spotlight drone followed after them without hesitation, and experience told Máire to expect immediate retribution from Shieldtown’s mechanical guardians. [i]Shieldtown protects,[/i] after all, and as far as these drones were concerned, the three of them were yet more intruders.