[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [h3]Nyakuza Metro[/h3] [@Lugubrious] | [@TruthHurts22] Raz [b]Word Count:[/b] 871 (+2 Exp) [b]Level 3 Roxas[/b] (3+2=5/30)[/center] [b]Moments before Rush Hour...[/b] Nyakuza Metro was home to many establishments besides the trains and stations. There were some shops, cafe's, other places like that that lined the neon-lit corridors of the Metro. One such establishment was the Cat's Nip, a milk bar dimly lit and sporting a noir-esque atmosphere, complete with smooth jazzy music playing in the nearby jukebox. It only had a handful of patrons, generally being busier at night than in the afternoon. But among those patrons, a feline with dark purple fur sat at the edge of the bar by himself. He was adorned in a dark, bluish-purple suit accented by silvery-white armored parts. He looked like he had just stepped out of a spaceship, which wasn't actually too far off from the truth. He sipped on his shot glass of sweetened milk, a white line visible on his fur coat. Technically it was a just a white patch among an otherwise pure purple coat, but from a distance it almost looked like a scar. He sat, looking almost bored. Whether he was there for business or just waiting for someone would soon be irrelevant, for the Panther then heard something that made his black ears perk right up. A voiced announcement offering a million per head on some group that apparently had entered the Metro. Well, the Panther was normally a fighter pilot by trade, but such a profitable bounty hunting job wasn't something he was about to pass up. And nether was anyone else for that matter, as he began to notice felines all over the metro run rough-shod everywhere in search of these targets. The Panther downed the last of his milk and calmly stood up from his stool. As he walked toward the door he used his claws to flick some pons over onto the counter to pay his tab. "Time to make some money." he said softly to himself in a low voice that almost sounded like a pur. He slowly walked out into the crowded Metro and appeared to just vanish into thin air. [b]Rush Hour[/b] While all the other cats flooded the Metro like some kind of swarm, an invisible figure stalked the rooftops and other hard-to-reach areas closer to the ceiling of the underground metro. Made invisible by a personal cloaking device he wore on his hip, the invisible feline made swift and silent leaps between footholds. His speed and acrobatic skill were quite superior to the common cats currently flooding the grounds. His pale yellow eyes pierced the shadows of the metro with nocturnal vision. This meant that even if one of his quarry were trying to hide, he'd still find them easily enough. Before long, his feline eyes caught glimpse of someone. Multiple someones actually. They were making a mad dash, appearing to follow the signs leading toward the Black Line. Rather than charge in head first, the cunning Panther instead decided to head them off. He used his own familiarity with the area to quickly and smoothly position himself in what he believed would be the path they'd take. He watched one of them perform a powered punch that resulted in him and a some others falling through the lower zones. Meanwhile the short kid in goggles kept along the path that the stalker had predicted. And quickly catching up to him was a taller kid in a black coat. But it looked like they had gotten a little bit ahead of their compatriots. Good, that would make them much easier pickings. The stalker silently moved in closer, still invisible thanks to his device. He reached an invisible hand for a blaster pistol on his hip and drew the weapon from it's holster. He had to make sure this first shot counted, because the sound would give his ambush away immediately afterward. He trained it on his target, focusing on them down the barrel and wisely choosing to lead them for a moment before... As Roxas ran behind Raz, he started to get a bad feeling. The kind you get when you're being watched. And yet every time he looked around he never saw anyone other than the swarm of cats chasing them. But he couldn't let his nerves get the best of him, one wrong move could spell the end. And death by a thousand cat claws didn't exactly sound pleasant. And then Roxas jumped over an overturned trash bin. While in midair he heard a loud buzz and then suddenly felt a sharp, burning pain in his side. An energy bolt had struck him in his right side, fired from the gun of an invisible shooter. The shot knocked Roxas off his balance and he tumbled to ground and groaned in pain. "What... what hit me?" he said between painful breaths, desperately trying to push himself back onto his feet. Before he could, he saw a figure appear to flicker into existence. Another cat, but different from the others. He had a blaster pistol trained on him, ready to fire one more shot directly at Roxas' forehead. "My humblest apologies, boy." said the Panther in his low, pur-like voice, in what almost sounded like a Spanish accent, "But I'm afraid I must kill you."