The earth was [i]alive[/i], and when [EYES] peered up at her from the formerly spike wrought ground, J-3 balked. It was only a brief moment of panic, as the [WEIGHT OF THE WORLD] stared up at her with a bland face. A primordial force, lazily watching [i]her[/i]. And then, there was bright light. Ow. Fuck. J-3 hissed her displeasure at the sudden arrival of the two drones, flexing the muscles in her chest somewhat as her wings spread wide. The light would’ve been blinding if she didn’t immediately adjust her vision with a pulse of ink. Adrenaline rushed into her system, causing her four-pointed-star shaped pupils to become naught but narrow slits. This was annoying. Then [The Ally] moved. She turned her head, watching as The Blonde Ally absconded with Rat. Good! They would not survive such… Extreme ordinance? The chitinous warrior-woman blinked owlishly at the rotary cannon. She rushed up, following after Maire at a slower pace, before turning over her shoulder and shouting. “[color=DarkMagenta][b]We mean no harm! Sanctuary! Sanctuary![/b][/color]” There. That would give them free reign to retaliate if the robotic guardians did first. J-3… No. Jemma. Jemma had thrown an olive branch out first, and if this settlement still attacked, then so be it! She would simply have to rip the pilot of these machines in twain. Her lips split into a grin as a protective flight of blades joined her, and she simply waited for a response. They couldn’t be called unreasonable yet, right? And— And they hadn’t done anything wrong yet either! Whatever. She hoped for a lack of conflict. A rarity for her.