[centre][img]https://i.ibb.co/bmBbzft/Xaviron.png[/img][/centre] The half-elf agent made it to the greenhouse before his team mates. Glad for the expediency of his travel, Avi gave a large tip to his cab driver, the big Orc flashing him a pointy smile before driving off. It was only a few minutes after that Avi’s allies arrived. As Madeleine and Morgana got out of their car, Avi quickly stated what he had learned about the Roggenwolf, but then decided to err on the side of caution about revealing his trip to the spirit realm. While that spell wasn’t outright banned by the OMR, its use was frowned upon in anything less than a crisis situation. Avi didn’t want to have to deal with the paperwork or potential reprimands of disclosing the use of the spell. This wouldn’t be the first time that not all of Avi’s actions made it into his final report. It kind of came with the territory of being a deep cover agent. But Avi pushed that from his mind as Morgana began preparing a ritual to send the corn spirit back where it belonged. He left her to it as he and Madeleine entered the greenhouse, eyes shifting back and forth, trying to find the wayward spirit. But the searching was rendered moot as the Roggenwolf appeared in front of the half-elf and demoness. Madeleine immediately took lead, trying to convince the Roggenwolf to come with them and return its home. Avi couldn’t help but feel that if he tried to coax the spirit, it would be far less eloquent and could result in the pair being attacked by the magical wolf. But another bad happenstance manifested itself as a squad of armed soldiers burst through the glass ceiling of the greenhouse. Moving almost unconsciously, Avi dove backwards away from the shattering glass, only to slip on a small puddle. As Avi tumbled to the ground of the greenhouse he wished that the caretakers of the greenhouse hadn’t watered the plant behind him just so recently. As Avi recovered, he looked up and saw that while these assailants were heavily armed, they didn’t wear any kind of symbol or flag he recognized. The one who seemed in command shouted something about grabbing the Roggenwolf for a ritual. As he did so, Avi went to grab his wand, only to find that it had fell out of his jacket and had rolled several feet away. Avi made a motion to try and grab it, only for the assailants to begin firing bullets and spells at Madeleine and him. Avi quickly moved, taking a position behind a piece of pottery that hopefully would be thick enough to block the oncoming projectiles. As he did so, he also pulled out his handgun. The demoness then order Avi to provide cover as she pulled out a giant sword. Avi was in awe as she ran straight at the assailants, bullets bouncing off her shield, as she cleaved a man in two. Avi then began to fire his gun at the assailants who were flinging spells, only for the shots to be blocked by enchanted wards. Frustrated, Avi decided to make use of the focus on Madeleine to back up a few feet and grab his wand. As soon as his fingers made contact with the ancient wood, Avi felt a surge of magic envelop his body. Less than a second later, Avi was firing off magical bolts at the assailants. It was then that the Roggenwolf itself joined the battle, tearing into his would be captors. Against the combined force of the spirit, demoness, and half-elf, the assailants were pushed back. The one who seemed to be in charge decided to call a retreat, the few remaining assailants disappearing into magical portals that were there one second, and gone the next. Avi had decided not to try and pursue as he had no clue what would be waiting him on the other side of the portal. Instead he stood up, wand in one hand, gun in the other. He quickly surveyed the scene of the battle. Madeleine had skewered quite a few of the attackers, but seemed unharmed herself. Avi then quickly checked his body to make sure no stray bullet or spell had struck him. But he was fine, very much unlike this part of the Palm Garden, with several exotic plants either torn up or on fire. But as Avi looked back at Madeleine and the Roggenwolf, he was surprised that the spirit was allowing her to ride him. While he found it an odd sight, Avi didn’t say anything as they three of them walked, or in Madeleine’s case rode, back to where Morgana was setting up the ritual. Agent Faith then instructed them to step back as she prepared the magic circle. Morgana then began explaining to the Roggenwolf how the spell would work. Avi was surprised to hear that it would be a covenant agreement. While Avi was by no means an expert on the binding and exorcising of spirits, only ever taking one class on it in college, he knew that a covenant was a big deal as it was predicated on trust between the mage and the spirit. The spirit would have to trust the mage that the task they are assigned is possible, and thus they can eventually be released. Avi took a step towards Madeleine, speaking softly, [colour=#FF47C8]“Are we sure this is the only way to send the spirit back where it belongs? I thought we were trying to get the Roggenwolf out of the city, not following around like, well, a dog.”[/colour] Morgana then finished her offer, seemingly finding that the Roggenwolf could understand her. So she moved out of the way so that the spirit could reach the magic circle. While the immediate question was if the corn spirit would accept the deal, Avi was more interested in what task it would be given by Morgana if it did make covenant. While Avi didn’t know Morgana very well, he did believe that she would be respectful and realistic with the assigned task. She did mention that it would be a minor task, the thought of which brought several ideas to mind for Avi. But one in particular stuck in his mind, that being all Morgana wants to do is ride the Roggenwolf around like Madeleine did. The thought brought a slight smile to Avi’s face, beating out his attempt to maintain a neutral expression. [@Kumbaris] [@King Cosmos]