[quote=@AdmrlStalfos19] Yeah... I get that this is a WIP, but there are [i]already[/i] glaring problems with it. ... I'll address the fact that you put Sniper in both roles first. If you want your guy to strictly be there as a sniper (which I'm guessing you do), then your crew role would be Enforcer. Just so you know, the Enforcers are the primary combatants of a crew, and they're there to engage the enemy, protect the rest of the crew etc.; in other words, they're pretty much the muscle. I won't harp too much on the fact that you also just put Sniping in the Fighting Style segment cause that [i]does[/i] scream placeholder, although I will say that if you don't expect your guy to fight all that differently from the usual sniper, you might be better off removing the field in its entirety. ... The second issue is your mention of Portgas D. Ace. I'm not sure how I feel about canon characters even being referenced in a cursory manner, and I'm certainly against the idea of them being personally interacted with. I'd suggest removing all mention of Ace just to be safe :/ ... That's all for now. If you need any help, just ask [/quote] Ok. No problem. Second issue is easy to fix, I'll just replace Ace with another pirate not canon to the series and be kind of vague about it. Hmm, perhaps his mother could have been part of the Reavers herself once and the marines wanted the name erased from history. What do you really want in a fighting style. I mean, I thought sniping is how a sniper fights, but maybe I have a couple of ideas. Ok I edited my final draft!