Luke was on Kitty within a minute or two of her fall - he had been in the middle of sparring one of the kids closer to the end of the obstacle course, but he quickly abandoned that. Truthfully, he had been doing this for any camper he judged to have taken somewhat of a nasty fall. He knew that the course he had designed and the challenge to not drop one's sword was risky and dangerous - something that could easily send someone to the Big House where an Apollo camper or two might have to come assist with healing - but the life of a demigod was dangerous. He wasn't asking them to do anything that the gods wouldn't - and at least he was offering prizes. The gods didn't usually in his experience. "You okay, Kitty?" he asked, using her first name as he offered her a hand to help her get up. Meanwhile, Lorna had neared the end of the course - she was one of the last five campers, putting her ever so close to winning one of the coveted rewards. She could practically taste victory and she became laser focused, going through the remaining obstacle with her sword in hand - only to not notice as one of her siblings subtly tripped her, sending Lorna flying towards the ground. She wiped out, scrapping up her knees and her wrists, and Lorna had been forced to let go of her sword to keep herself from getting a more serious injury. The other four Hermes Campers crossed the finish line. [color=fdc68a]"[i]Connards,[/i]"[/color] Lorna muttered, a curse word from her native Canada that roughly translated to [i]bastards[/i].