[img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMmFhNmE5NmYtNGIwMi00MjNkLTkwNzgtZWQ3Yjc2Nzc4OTBmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_.jpg [/img] [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/eALNqGc.jpg?1[/IMG] [h1] [center][color=007236]Jornar and Janas Mormont[/color] [/center][/h1] The sun hung high above the heads of the Mormont siblings as they continued on their path towards Summerhall and the location of the next Tourney. Though there was a small breeze that offered some form of break from the southern heat it was still slightly uncomfortable for the wandering bear. The temperature was one of the few things that Jornar had noticed had changed over his time wandering the southlands. Whereas before the change would have been unbearable, now it was only slightly inconvenient as he still enjoyed the cold days of bear island. Though it still did not hold a candle to the beauty that was their home, Jornar couldn't help but admire the land around him. It was almost picturesque with the sun bleeding through the trees as the birds chirped above them. [color=39b54a]“So what is this Next one for?”[/color] Janas finally spoke up interrupting the slight humming coming from her brother. [color=007236]“Who knows. Not like the great houses ever really need a real reason to show off their wealth and influence.”[/color] Jornar paused for a moment, taking a long drink from his water skin before continuing. [color=007236]“All the great houses are supposed to be present for this one though so I expect it will be extravagant. Even uncle is supposed to be there which will be a nice change.”[/color] Janas smiled at the thought of seeing her cousins again after such a time. Though they weren't the closest of cousins they were still family and she enjoyed the days when they would visit their humble keep on bear island. [color=39b54a]“It will be nice to see uncle once again. I suppose it will be odd for some of the houses to see so many Northerners present.”[/color] She finished as she pulled beside her brother's horse. She thought back to her uncle's family and her lovable cousins. They had never been the closest mostly due to the long distance between Bear island and Winterfell but the rare occasion where they would travel was always fun for her. While Jornar was almost always in the courtyard sparring with Gryffith or the other boys, she was often doing her best to impress her aunt, uncle and father with her skill at the bow. [color=007236]“Aye it must be an odd sight for the southerners to see so many Northman descend upon their tourney. I'm sure they're already running in droves to back out of the tourney knowing there is no chance of beating us. Those soft southern houses just don't make them as strong as the harsh north.”[/color] As Jornar finished he flexed his arm attempting to keep a stern look on his face though he was failing to contain his own laughter. Janas simply rolled her eyes while letting out a disappointed sigh at her brother's antics. [color=39b54a]“You know only a fool underestimates their opponents before they’ve even met them. An even bigger one laughs at his own jokes.”[/color] she added as she gave him a look of disapproval mixed with a hint of amusement. [color=007236]“Yes mom.”[/color] He replied in a mocking tone, eyeing his sister back who seemed to only roll her eyes and mumble something about him being hopeless. [color=007236]“Besides, I'm aware of what most of those knights can do. It just depends on who is actually signing up is all. Besides, no point in plotting too much about a fight when you never know how things are going to go anyway until the steel clashes. And regardless of the skill you just have to fight like you're going to win.”[/color] [hr] The tournament grounds themselves were massive and on a scale that the two bears had rarely seen. Tents stretched as far as the eye could see each flying the banners of their respective houses. It seemed that all the great houses were present from their own Starks of the north to Dorne in the far south with everything's else in between. They continued through the maze of tents and patrons, nodding acknowledgement every so often despite the strange looks people gave to bear logos that adorned their clothing, finally coming to a stop at the lists for the competition. As Jornar looked over the other competitors of the list he smiled at the names that accompanied his. “Well it seems I may have some competition after all.” as he finished looking over the lists he stepped back for a moment before looking around for a moment. [color=007236]“I suppose we better find our uncle and tell him we have arrived.” [/color] [hider=TLDR] Jornar and Janas Mormont talk about the tournament before arriving and setting off to find their uncle. [/hider]